Sprinkler Blowouts For Thursday, November 7, 2024

We stayed up far later than we should have to watch the election results. I was confident that President Trump was going to win. I have a unique ability, if you can call it that, to predict election winners before voting begins. Since Ronald Reagan’s first term—a long time ago—I’ve made these predictions and have never been wrong. Figure that one out…..

We’re working hard to catch up after Anthony had to take time off due to what I believe is a pulled muscle in his back, which caused significant pain. I understand back pain all too well, as I undergo spinal ablations along my spine to burn off nerve endings for pain management. Each treatment typically lasts about a year before the nerves grow back. These injuries come from years of jumping out of planes, falling off ladders, and various other incidents.

We’re setting up a route for Anthony and hope he’ll be able to manage it; otherwise, we’ll be scrambling again. On a positive note, my nephew Reese, who planned to start with us at the beginning of the season but needed to tie up some loose ends, is now ready to join. Today, he’ll ride with Jesse to “learn the ropes.” Fittingly, Reese is also a rodeo cowboy, so “learning the ropes” has a double meaning here. Don’t worry, I’m not quitting my day job!

Here are the routes for today:

Anthony with “Purple Rain”

S Carlburg Ave
W Henry’s Lake Dr
W Pyramid Peaks St
W Kings Canyon St
S San Bruno Ave
W Morela Dr
W Petunia Dr
W Trestlewood St
W Petunia Dr
S Red Shine Ave
S Carpenter Ave
W Raul St
W Silver Fox Dr
W Fox Brush Dr

Brian with “Leroy”

Gibson Way
E Borzoi Ct
E Puffin St
E Shepherd St
E Blue Tick St
S Bayou Bar Way
E Three Bars Dr
E Dworshak Dr
E Dworshak Ct
E Fireside Dr
S Velvet Falls Way
S Bailey Way
E Oakbrook Ct
E Loggers Pass St
E Observation St
E Fallingbranch Ct
E Forest Ridge Dr
E Trinidad Dr
E Jamaica Ct

Jesse & Reese with “Cyclone”

E Sicily Ct
E Sicily St
E Mona Lisa Dr
E Pisa St
E Argence St
S Leaning Tower Ave
S Murlo Ave
E Pantanella Dr
S Sarteano Ave
E Wrightwood Dr.
E Mona Lisa Dr
S Marsala Ave
E Ragusa
S Naples ave
E Calabria Dr
S Zaivcla Ave
E Tusa St
E Tusa Ct
S Stockenham PL
E Awbrey St
E Frstello St
S Caleb Way
E Victory Rd

Important Links:
Sprinkler Blowout Calendar: http://treasurevalleyrepairs.com/calendar.html
Sprinkler Blowout Stats: https://treasurevalleyrepairs.com/sprinkler-blowout-stats.html
Sprinkler Blowouts Terms Of Service: http://treasurevalleyrepairs.com/sprinkler-blowout-terms-of-service.html
Cancel Service: https://forms.gle/bCqx5fqKrZt5nNLV8
Leave Us Reviews For A Chance To Win A Tucanos $25 Gift Card: https://treasurevalleyrepairs.com/newsletters/give-us-some-love.htm
Pre-winterization Instructions: (Print the image that most closely matches your system and put by your sprinkler timer)
PVB: https://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/images/pvb-winterize-instructions.webp
RP: https://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/images/rp-winterize-instructions.webp
DC: https://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/images/dc-winterize-instructions.webp
Pump: https://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/images/pump-winterize-instructions.webp
Zone Valves: https://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/images/valve-pressure-relief.webp
Irrigation Filter: https://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/images/filter-winterize-instructions.webp

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Friday, November 8, 2024

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday, November 6, 2024


    • Nick Maccarillo
    • November 8, 2024

    Hi Steve,

    Do you have us scheduled? I did the on-line form over a month ago but I don’t see us on your calendar. Address is [removed by admin], Meridian 83646. Thanks!
    Nick [removed by admin]

    1. Reply

      We will notify you the night before our scheduled visit, as outlined in our Terms of Service. The calendar provided is meant as a general guide and only shows zip codes—not specific addresses. This is to protect your privacy and avoid putting your address online for public view, which could invite impersonation attempts. Each season, due to the volume of properties we service, routes cannot be finalized until the night before, once all receipts are in. Unforeseen system complications, daily new requests, and cancellations can disrupt our schedule. Routing too early could mean missing nearby stops or going to homes where our services are no longer required. Additionally, it is common that an entire zip code cannot be completed in one visit, which is why multiple trips around the area are necessary.

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