We Are Doing Sprinkler Blowouts In The Boise 83709 Zip Code Saturday – October 25

We didn't finish the Meridian 83642 sprinkler blowouts like we hoped we would because we ran into problems with a few systems, and had a couple of properties with acreage of 25 zones or more.  It left 9 on our current list, but we added in a few more properties this evening from the 83642 that came in today while we were out.  We will be back in Meridian sometime during the middle of next week.

Saturday we will be doing sprinkler blowouts in the 83709 zip code.  There are currently 26 sprinkler blowouts in the area, but I hope to clear up 18-20 of them tomorrow if not more.  Much depends on property accessibility, being able to find valve boxes, and not running into sprinkler systems that have issues to begin with.  Please remember that one of the requirements in the Terms Of Service agreement everyone clicked to submit our form states: "3. I will make sure that valve boxes are uncovered and easy to locate by removing grass, weeds, bark, rock, or other items."  You would not believe how much time we waste in a day looking for valve boxes when we do not have access to the sprinkler timer.  If you do not know where your valves boxes are, please leave access to the sprinkler timer so we can properly blow out your system.

If you would like to see our current stats click here.

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Sprinkler Blowouts In The Boise 83713 Area On Sunday – October 26

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Sprinkler Blowouts In The Meridian 83642 Area On Friday – October 24

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