Three Different Zip Codes For Sprinkler Blowouts Today

I managed to get to every home on my list in the Boise 83704 on Wednesday except for one I couldn't find, and three I was unable to do.

  • Chesterfield:  Couldn't find house number
  • Secretariat:  Found vacuum breaker / main and drain valves, but not electronic valves
  • Dove Place:  Couldn't access backflow because the box was full of dirt (now cleaned out, so will make another trip soon)
  • Dalton Place:  3rd and final attempt to do sprinkler blowout.  Tried to contact customer a few times with no response.  This one will be removed from my list

Today I am going to finish two sprinkler blowouts in the 83703 I ran out of time on the other day, attempt 10 sprinkler blowouts in the 83705, and for any time that is left start on the 83706.  I may try to finish whatever is left in the Boise 83706 on Friday before moving on to Garden City.  Again, I am trying to reach the areas on city water first since the backflows and vacuum breakers are brass, and somewhat unprotected.  Make sure to read the post I wrote about protecting your sprinkler system from freezing.  If all goes EXTREMELY smoothly, It is possible to finish all the sprinkler blowouts in those areas.  With drive time, and no more than 15 minutes per home it coul all be done in 9 hours.  That is if nothing goes haywire during the route.  only about 1/3 of the homes on the route are repeat customers, which means for the other 2/3 I will be going in blind, so to speak.  With my photographic memory, I will remember where everything is on the repeat properties. I will need to get in and out in a hurry, so please prepare the best you can for my arrival.

I plan to be in Meridian over the weekend again, and then heading to Canyon county after that.

Based on our current list of remaining blowouts, we should be totally finished with all blowouts in about 17 days.  It could easily be less depending on the number of cancellations we get compared to new requests.  We had one cancellation yesterday, but 11 new requests.

And, the usual stuff……..

Make sure gates are accessible, valve boxes are cleaned off and easy to find, timer is accessible if valve location is unknown, and any checks made out to "The Maintenance Shop."  As I have been saying for the last week or so, we are still unable to process credit cards while on the road.

And finally……..

Don't forget that all new sprinkler blowout requests on November 10 and later are $40 for up to 6 zones, and $5 per additional zones.  The good news is next year, if you respond to my email fast enough, your sprinkler blowout will be $10 less.

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Tying Up Some Loose Ends And Then Heading To Garden City

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Heading To Part Of Boise For Sprinkler Blowouts

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