TENTATIVE Schedule And Some Bad News

Bad News

Only a few of the stops that our second unit was supposed to do yesterday were completed.  Our old compressor, the one that had done over 10,000 sprinkler blowouts for us, had a meltdown yesterday and wouldn't stay pressurized.  No air pressure; no sprinkler blowout.   It is currently in a repair facility, so hope that it can be fixed and back on the road again soon.  At this point we are back to using one machine, which is what we had been doing for a lot of years.  My newest machine is a powerhouse, and sprinkler blowouts are going 1.5 times the speed of our older machine, and has twice the CFM at 250.  I apologize to those who were expecting Justin today.  I have some other areas to focus on for a while that hasn't been serviced at all this season, and then will spend the majority of our time in Meridian, and the most heavily requested parts of Boise.  Of course, we always honor all sprinkler blowout requests, and will get to every area as many times as it takes to complete them all.

Where We Will Be Today

Today we are going to zip through Avimore and Hidden Springs, and then spend the remainder of the day in Garden City.  That being said, there are more sprinkler blowouts in Garden City that can be accomplished in one day, so we will concentrate on ones primarily on city water again, and will swing around through again as soon as we service some other zip codes that we haven't been to yet this season.  We will cut over to Hidden Springs from Dry Creek Road, and then head to Garden City via Seaman's Gulch, and start there with whatever homes are closest from that location.

With that, below is a TENTATIVE schedule.  As I posted last year, TENTATIVE means, " not certain or fixed; provisional."  It can change rather quickly depending on how the previous day goes.  I put the word in all caps to emphasize that it is, well, tentative.  If we get our old machine up and running, it will throw our entire schedule out of whack, but in a good way since two machines will be running at the same time on certain days.


  • Thursday, October 27 – Avimore, Hidden Springs, Garden City (83714)
  • Friday, October 28 – Middleton and Star (more in Star than can be done in one day)
  • Saturday, October 29 – Notus and Caldwell (both zip codes), and a little Nampa if there is time
  • Sunday, October 30 – Nampa 83686 (More in the 83686 than can be done in one day)
  • Monday, Halloween – Melba and Kuna (Based on our current list, should be completed in one day)
  • Tuesday, November 1 – Boise 83712, 83706
  • Wednesday, November 2 – Star and Meridian 83646
  • Thursday, November 3 – Boise 83709
  • Friday, November 4 – Meridian 83642
  • Saturday, November 5 – Meridian 83646

I am not going to even speculate any further than that until the date gets closer.  There are many factors that can easily mess up a schedule including customers not paying attention to when we will be in their area, cancelling without letting us know and causing even more loss of time when we drive to their property, sprinkler system issues, not able to find valve boxes because they aren't visible as stated in our terms of service to make sure they are, etc.

Our Current Stats Chart for 2016

I finally got our stats page repaired, so you can now look and see how many total sprinkler blowouts we have, how many have been completed, how many are left to do, and a new function – Percentage of containment in each area and overall containment percentage. You can keep abreast of our progress by clicking this link: 2016 Sprinkler Blowout Stats


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Sprinkler Blowouts In Middleton And Star Today – Friday, October 28

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2016 Sprinkler Blowout Stats

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