Jesse finished up all but a few of the sprinkler start-ups in Caldwell yesterday, along with a few major repairs as well. I was originally going to work in the 83709 today, but then my wife reminded me of a grandson’s birthday party we need to attend this afternoon, so will post-pone my rounds again until Monday. I am going to repair and test and backflow preventer and test another one this morning because they aren’t far from me, and I will have to resume my other plans on Monday. More on that on Sunday.
We are almost finished with the start-ups of our regular customers, but still quite a few to do for rental properties that we ahve had trouble getting into to work. Most of the customers left to take care of are in the 83709 with the remaining scattered some around the rest of Boise and Meridian.
We are supposed to get more rain during the week starting tomorrow, so that will keep yards watered until we get there. We should be able to get to all the remaining start-ups by Thursday of next week. Then we can start again on some major repairs that need done.