Sprinkler Startups & Backflow Tests

Jacob will be starting tomorrow on Package A, Package C, and Package D properties and also regular backflow tests of those we have confirmed have Double-Check backflow preventers.  We will start backflow tests and startups on properties with a PVB or an RP later in the week when the night temperatures are above 30.  From our experience, it wouldn’t matter to start working PVB and RP’s tomorrow as well, because even though it will get below freezing it won’t be long enough to cause damage. Some of our customers don’t understand that, so we decided to wait on those with above-ground backflow preventers to avoid trying to explain physics…..

Regarding the Package D requests, Jacob will only be turning on the water to the system and doing the backflow test. Kelly and James will be running through the zones on a return trip so that Jacob has time to do over 100 backflow tests in April alone. Jacob will take payment for Package A, and Package C, and the backflow test stops only and will leave payment collection to Kelly and James for the Package D customers once they finish the property.

James and Kelly will be working on a few major repairs this week to get ready for the season and then should be beginning actual startups later in the week. We can only work on well water and city water systems at this point while we wait for all the irrigation canals to fill and pressurize. We would appreciate all our irrigation customers to send me a text at (208) 713-3170 when they are sure of a date they will have water or when they have seen others in their neighborhood with water.

We will be texting and/or emailing those tonight who are on Jacob’s schedule for Monday so that gates can be unlocked if needed. Fortunately the water main & drain and backflow preventers are in the front yards of the majority of our customers so we don’t have to be concerned as much with locked gates.  If your system connection is behind a gate, and you get the notification be sure to leave access. We will also have a post go out at midnight showing the streets Jacob will be on tomorrow.

If anyone has any questions just post a comment here and I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

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Spring & Summer Update April 15, 2032

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Spring Kick-Off 2023 Is One Week Away


  1. Reply

    Haven’t heard from anybody about sprinklers and backflow.
    Thanks, Mike

    1. Reply

      We will let you know the night before as stated in our terms. I expect that getting the water on and the backflow portion of your request will be done some time this week an going through the zones the week after.

    • Dave Greer
    • April 10, 2023

    Hi Steven,
    Any idea when you’ll be getting to Avimor?

    Dave Greer

    1. Reply

      Hopefully this week

  2. Reply

    Reach me by email if you need… xxxxxxxxx (removed by admin)

    • Charles Martinez
    • April 10, 2023

    Any idea when you will be doing startup and back flow tests in Nampa.

    1. Reply

      Possibly Friday as we do some lawn aerations in Nampa as well

    • brian french
    • April 14, 2023

    Hi Steve as always you guys are awesome. Looks like your guys were here today. Looks like I have a sprinkler head that is shot in front by the big tree.

    1. Reply

      Yes, both the backflow and startup teams were at your home yesterday. However, we don’t do repairs without prior authorization. If you would like us to fix the sprinkler head let me know and we will get it taken care of

    • William Kichok
    • April 15, 2023

    Hi. Just wondering any estimated time for our backflow? Just want to try make sure someone is here. I know,you will notify the night before

    1. Reply

      Are you on a well for your sprinkler system? 99.99 percent of our customers in Nampa don’t have a backflow on their irrigation

        • William Kichok
        • April 30, 2023

        Just saw your post. On a irrigation. New home owner, still learning the ins and outs. Thanks

        1. Reply

          We have your request as needing a backflow test. We don’t see backflow preventers on sprinkler systems in Nampa unless they are on a well or city water which is rare. There is only one available to do backflow tests right now (requires a specialized license) because I am out from shoulder surgery for another month. We need to confirm you have a backflow preventer before I can send Jacob out to you, so a picture texted to (208) 713-3170 would be helpful.

    • Richard Bailey
    • April 15, 2023

    Do you have a time frame for aeration and overseeding?

    1. Reply

      Yes, please refer to our current post on April 15

    • Charles Martinez
    • April 21, 2023

    Looks like you may be running a bit behind in Nampa. Can you give me an update on when I can expect someone for my startup and back flow check?

    1. Reply

      Since I am out from shoulder surgery, Jacob is the only one licensed to do the tests. We tried to set it up before but you were out of town. You are still on our radar, but it will take a while still with only one person testing.

    • James
    • May 7, 2023

    Hey there! On week 3 since submitting a form online. I’ve been looking for blog updates but looks like April 15th was the last update. Needing a backflow preventer replacement. Is that something that can be done be done before June? Really needing to get the sprinklers up and running.

    1. Reply

      We went out to your place a few weeks ago, and no one was home to give us access so we could look at your backflow. You canceled a backflow test with us, so we can’t even see it anymore, but putting in for a backflow test when what you need is a replacement didn’t put you on our radar. By far the best way to get hold of us is by text

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