Sprinkler Start-Ups Fourth Week Recap

We had to take care of several emergency calls last week which threw us off our game on sprinkler start-ups. We are currently sitting at around 120 start-ups to complete after already completing around 300.  Of the 125 remaining about half of them are for a property management company we have been taking care of for several years.

We are still looking for help.  I am not understanding why it is this hard finding people to work.  We should be a lot further along than we are. Just having one additional person to do start-ups and and simple sprinkler head changes would be an enormous help so we can take more time on any emergency repairs.

The majority of our start-ups now are Package B pressurized irrigation, so if any know how to turn on their own sprinklers just to get water on their lawns, we can still take run all the zones and make adjustments and light repairs.  The rain we got today will be a big help in keeping yards watered why we are scrambling to get to everyone.  With the big rain we received last weekend I turned off our sprinkler timer and with the rain today I plan on leaving it off for another 3-4 days.

This coming week will be difficult because I will be on my own for most of it while Jacob is in the Portland area for his grandfather’s funeral.  Jacob and I will work to get all the tw0-person jobs completed on Monday since he will be gone Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  We were supposed to do three main & drain repairs this coming week, but that will have to be pushed until the following week.

We are still getting lawn aeration requests, and we are losing some here and there, which is expected under the circumstances.  We are excited to get a chance to use our brand new lawn aeration machine!  We currently have around 60 or so lawn aeration requests right now.

So, bare with me as I try to get to as many people as I can this coming week.  I am not as young as I used to be, and getting up and down changing heads, manually opening valves, etc., won’t be as fast as Jacob does since I have nearly 30 years on him.  I only hope that my experience will make up for it.

See ya’ll soon!

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Sprinkler Start-Ups For Monday, May 3, 2021

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Sprinkler Start-Ups For Friday, April 30, 2021

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