Sprinkler Start-Ups For Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Well, today is the day that I have to be up at the crack of yuck to take my wife down to St. Luke’s in Boise for her spine surgery.  I have to have her down there at 5:30 a.m. and just drop her off.  It would be nice if I could just stay at the hospital but that is not allowed.  So, I will be back in my office by 6:00 a.m. just plugging away on estimates, organizing, routing, invoicing, backflow test reports, and more while I wait for the call that I can go back to the hospital for visitation.

Jacob will be working primarily in Meridian 83646 the majority of the day as he takes care of some light repairs and hopefully clears up several sprinkler start-ups in the zip code.  I will be around for technical advice if necessary, but since Jacob has been working with me off and on since he was 5 years old and is quite intelligent, I usually don’t hear from him much.  IF all goes well, we will work on Eagle, Nampa, and more Meridian on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

We had to trace through 300 feet of wiring yesterday to find a short so we could get the new irrigation pump up and running.  Thank goodness we carry a lot of cool tools with us like wire tracers that are able to find breaks in the wire so we could get it repaired.  The job only took about 3 hours, and that is after picking up the necessary parts.  We still have to get the piping finished on the pump itself which we will do on Wednesday or Thursday.

Jacob should be able to get his entire route completed today as long he doesn’t run into a lot of difficulties. Most of the repairs are minor, and as long there aren’t a lot of head changes to make on the start-ups it the day should go smoothly.

Here is Jacob’s route for today:

2027 N Monaco Way – Backflow Test
650 N Carisbrooke Ave – Quick Valve Repair
1915 S Gull Cove Pl – Backflow Test
669 N Shady Grove Way – Very Low Water Pressure
450 S Woodhaven Ave – Install Rainbird Timer
598 W Longford – Fix Two Sprinkler Leaks
11071 Wampum Dr – Fix Sprinkler Wiring Chewed by Man’s Best Friend
3265 W. Birdie – Package B
3239 W Hatch Ct – Package B
3674 W Woodmont Dr – Package A
3014 N High Desert Way – Package B
3228 N Elmstone Ave – Package B
2330 W Trestle Dr – Package B
4268 N Morning Sky Way – Package B

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Sprinkler Start-Ups For Wednesday, May 19, 2021

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Sprinkler Start-ups For Monday, May 17, 2021

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