We have completed our current list of sprinkler system start-ups, so we are now focusing on the MANY repairs we have to look forward to.
Currently we have four city water systems with leaking main valves several feet down that need to be excavated and replaced, and two sprinkler valve systems that have to be totally re-designed, lines to repair, heads to replace, and on top of that screens to repair or replaced, dryer vents to clean-out, gutters to work on, locks to rekey, and more. And, we are still in April. Can't wait to see what May brings our way, and the rest of the summer. It is a constant race to keep up.
I won't be posting as much through the summer, but hope to update our Facebook page with some of the work we do. If you don't see any posts here for the summer, we will definitely be back in the fall when we start sprinkler blowouts again. I hope to pick up another compressor before then, but we shall see.
Will you be doing any more sprinkler start ups or are you finished for the season?
Janet, unlike sprinkler blowouts where there becomes a point when it is too late to blow out a sprinkler system, we can turn them on at any time during the season.
We are primarily working on major repairs now throughout the valley , but still work in start-ups as they come inĀ