Sprinkler Start-Up Update For Wednesday, April 24

Jesse finished of the current list we had from the 83709 except those that do not have water yet. Quite surprised there are still some areas without water.

I had to pull Jesse off of start-ups this morning to deal with a water emergency that will probably take half the day. I will send him to Eagle after he finishes with the emergency. Depending on how long the emergency takes he might be able to complete the current list in Eagle.

I will be out today doing repairing backflows and doing backflow tests. If I am in an area that has a Package “A” (turn water on only) or Package “C” (turn water on only and do backflow test) I may try to squeeze them in.

Two of my first stops for backflow testing will be in Star this morning, and then back to Meridian and Boise.

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Sprinkler Start-Up Update April 25, 2019

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Sprinkler Start-Ups Continue In The 83709

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