It was a crazy week as it always is this time of year, and we will likely stay busy all summer with sprinkler and other repairs. We currently have 6 or 7 sprinkler main and drain repairs to do after we get control of our start-ups. I know it may not make sense to some, but we get as many systems turned on as possible before we start major repairs. For instance, in the time it takes two people to dig up and repair one main & drain 20-25 sprinkler start-ups could be completed.
We completed 88 sprinkler start-ups last week. When dealing with city and well water systems they take longer to do. Backflow preventer tests alone add about 10 minutes to each stop. Speaking of backflow preventers, we completed over 70 tests last week. We are not only doing backflow tests with our C and D packages, we also get several calls for backflow tests only which we are working in with our start-ups if they are in the zip code we are working in.
Once most of the areas with pressurized irrigation are up and running, and we get less city systems to start up, the jobs will go faster since we won’t have to deal with backflow preventers. At the point most of the start-up packages that come in will be Package A or B.
We were planning to take 4-5 days on our lawn aerations starting April 19, but we may have to move them back some as we deal with the sprinkler start-ups. As I have said before, we prefer to aerate when water is available to soften the ground the night before.
I will be putting our route together for Monday later today and making a post. We may spend 2-3 days on just Package A and C requests since they take the least amount of time, and make up just under half of all our start-up requests.
Your reviews are worthy and appreciated, Steve. Communication is key! Thank you.
Thank you for the comment. We really don’t know how many actually pay attention to our posts