Sprinkler Blowouts In The Remainder Of Boise And Garden City – November 24

Sunday was another great day for sprinkler blowouts. We cleaned up 19 sprinkler blowouts on our list yesterday totally completing the Boise 83702, 83704, 83705, and 83706 zip codes.

Today we will be doing sprinkler blowouts in the Boise 83712, 83713, 83714, and 83716 zip codes. We have 20 on our list for these areas, so will be running fast and hard. If we do not finish an area, it will most likely be the 83713, so will pick the remaining sprinkler blowouts in the area on the next day. Please have gates unlocked, valves boxes exposed or preferably access to your sprinkler timer. If you are not going to be home, and you would like to leave payment, send me an email or text with payment location. Don't forget, if you put your request in November 10 or later the base price is $40 for up to 8 zones. Next year it will be the normal price providing you respond to our reminder email to get on our list.

I am behind on invoices, so if you have not received yours in your email, don't panic. It doesn't mean your sprinkler blowouts have not been done, it just means I am exhausted from trying to catch up the time lost by the inversion, and I haven't sent it to your email yet.

By the way, if you would like to see how current stats of what we have completed and what we have left, click here: http://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blog/?p=1181

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Eagle On Tuesday – November 24 – Plus Tentative Schedule

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Sprinkler Blowouts To Continue In Parts Of Boise On Sunday

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