Sprinkler Blowouts In The Meridian 83646 Plus Our New Schedule To Finish Up

I finished all but 5 of the sprinkler blowouts we had in the Boise 83709 on Friday.  One I couldn't do because I couldn't find one of the valve boxes, one because I couldn't get through the gate, (this was my second attempt), and three I just ran out of daylight to reach.  Our customer has been made aware of the missing valve box issue, but I have an idea what I can do for that one.  The other four are:

  • Coronado Way – Couldn't get through gate (2nd attempt)
  • Bodley Dr. – Ran out of daylight
  • Campville St. – Ran out of daylight
  • Baserri Dr. – Ran out of daylight

I will get to them when I do my valley sweep which should be Tuesday, but could be as early as Monday.  A lot depends on how the weekend goes.

Today I will be working in the Meridian 83646.  I will have to quit about 30-45 minutes early however, because I have a church event I have to attend that their is no getting out of.  🙂  Currently there are about 20 left in the Meridian 83646 to do, which I SHOULD be able to get them all barring any issues, but if not, I will finish the remaining one up on Sunday morning.

Please have gatest accessible ahead of time, valve boxes exposed so I can find them, and any checks made out to "The Maintenance Shop."

Here is my tentative schedule for the remaining sprinkler blowouts, but keep in mind this could easily change if we get very many more in the meantime:

  • Saturday, December 3 – Meridian 83646
  • Sunday, December 4 – Any Left from Saturday + 83702, 83703, 83704, 83713, 83616, 83714
  • Monday, December 5 – Any left from Sunday + 83705, 83706, 83709, 83712, 83716
  • Tuesday, December 6 – Any left from Monday + Caldwell, Nampa, Meridian 83642, Star
  • Wednesday, December 7 – Kuna and any others still left to do

Meridian 83646 route for today is below.  Click image for larger view.


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