Sprinkler Blowouts In The 83706 Today and Thursday

Thankless Job At Times

I literally work my tail off this time of year with very little sleep, mounds of invoicing, routing, answering texts and emails when I can, with many of them highly derogatory, cussing me out with words I woudn't say around a sailor, accusing me of running a scam because they were invoiced for non-cancellation as stated in our terms, etc., threatening my life for the same, etc.  Geez, people.  No scam here.  The terms are there for a reason, and if you agree to them, you have to abide by them; simple as that.  One disgruntled, invoiced for non-cancellation customer told me my terms are not valid because there was no paperwork signed and dated, etc.  Sorry for my attitude, but wake up Rip Van Winkle, we are in a digital age now.  When you agree to terms online, they are the same as signing them with your own pen.  I guess I could write it in the terms of service that if someone breaks them in any way they owe me an all expense paid trip to Europe…………  Obviously, I would never do such a thing, but know if I did, and it is agreed to, it is enforceable.

We get a lot of thanks from hundreds of customers, but very few actually review us on Google, BBB, Yelp, etc., unless they have a complaint, and the complaint is ALWAYS related to something involving the terms of service they agree to that all of a sudden they don't like and now I am a scam artist.  Definition of scam in the business dictionary: "A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value."  Nothing fraudulent in our terms.  All is spelled out in plain english; not in lawyer lingo that is hard for many to understand.


Okay, now back to what we are all reading this for in the first place……..

Thanks to the help of Jesse, my part-time assistant, we not only knocked out remaining 83705 route we had for yesterday, we took care of 10 in the 83706 plus one that stopped us on the street while we were doing another blowout.  That makes 35 completed for yesterday.

Today and tomorrow is going to be rough.  I have 43 in the 83706 to finish in two days, and it will not be an easy task, even after the 10 we finished in the area yesterday.  PLEASE have payments ready, gates accessible, timer accessible just in case there is a problem, valve boxes visible, etc.

The route below is for two days, although I may create a new route late tonight for a fresh view that won't be as cluttered.  I generally get about 20 or so completed on a good day, so if you are in the first 20 I will most likely get to you today while those above 20 will be on Thursday's route.

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Finishing Up This Round In the Boise 83706 Plus Important Info And Schedule Change

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Another Day In The 83705 And If There’s Time…….

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