Sprinkler Blowouts In Part Of Nampa Today

We ran into a few sprinkler system issues yesterday in Kuna, so there were a few we didn't get to.  Those few will be our first stop today and then moving on to Nampa, and that's where it's gonna get interesting since my "tentative" schedule got messed up again. (remember, tentative= not certain or fixed; provisional.)

So, after I finish Kuna I will be going to Nampa 83686.  Wednesday I will work on Nampa 83687, and then finally Nampa 83651.  I won't get them all on those days because there are more than can be done in a day, but I will clean up most of them. So, if I do not get to yours in the 83686, I will get it on the next trip through the area.  There is no need to rush or panic, because the weather is unseasonably warm right now, but heck, I was blowing out sprinklers last year in December with snow on the ground……

I posted this in one of the comments, but for those who may not have read it, I put a card in the door of the home if no one is there to let them know I was there.  Our long-time customers already know, but I also take a picture of the house while being blown out showing the house number when no one is home as well.  I keep them for proof that it was done.  I don't email invoices until a property is completed.  It aggravates me when I send an invoice and I get an email that says it wasn't done because they weren't there to see it.  If you get an invoice in your email it has been done.  I put trust in over 1000 people each year that they are going to pay me when the sprinkler blowout is completed, so I expect the same trust when I send an invoice and not be asked over and over if I did the work.  That's like me saying when I get a sprinkler blowout form, "Are you going to pay me when it is finished."

Here is the card you will receive in your door. (If I haven't run out for the day. )

Your Sprinkler Blowout Is Complete


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Another Nampa Zip Code For Sprinkler Blowouts

Next Post

Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder…….


    • Christine Banta
    • November 1, 2016

     I just wanted to see if we are on your schedule. You did our sprinklers last year and I wanted to see if we are still on the schedule for this year. We live here in Eagle, our address is 1732 N. Teton Springs Ave. thanks 

    1. Reply

      I looked through our database and do not have a request form from you for that property 

    • Melinda J Rivera
    • November 2, 2016

    I noticed you were in my zipcode last week (83709) and I don't believe my sprinklers were blown out. I put a request in on Sept. 1st and had my side gate unlocked. I know you are extremely busy but was wondering what may be going on and making sure my blow out request was received. Address is for (removed by admin) Stonehill Ct. Thank you.

    1. Reply

      We have nearly 120 sprinkler blowouts in the 83709, with around 40 something completed. There is no possible way to do all the blowouts in the area in one or two days, so we posted which area of the 83709 we were going to be in at the time. We will be back in the zip code on Tuesday, but won’t know which part of the zip code we will be in until late Monday night as we examine the clusters and see where we can get the most accomplished in the least amount of time.

    • Christine Banta
    • November 5, 2016

    You did our sprinklers last year. We thought we would be in your system for this year automatically. Is it possible to get on your list still? When do you think you'll be back in Eagle? 


    1. Reply


      We sent out three reminder emails to all customers from last year at the end of August, the middle of September, and the first week of October to get signed up for this season.  Although we have a 85% retention rate each year from the previous year, customers move away and pass away, so we do not automatically add them to our new list.  We have had instances before where we tried that, and ended up doing a sprinkler blowout at homes from the previous year which had new owners and no clue who we were.  So, for the sake of liability, and my sanity, we have all customers sign up every year.

    • Christine Banta
    • November 6, 2016

    Can you please put me on your list still for this year? The emails must of gone to my junk email and I didn't see them. When do you think you'll be out in Eagle again?


    1. Reply

      You will need to sign up at this link:http://treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blowout_contact.htm.  Since we do 1,000+ sprinkler blowouts your information could get lost otherwise.  Our form will keep your request play so we do not lose you from all the hustling we have to do this time of year.

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