Sprinkler Blowouts In Part Of Meridian On Tuesday, October 25, 2016

We cleaned up 35% of our sprinkler blowouts yesterday in the 83713 zip code area.  We will be back again soon once we visit zip codes that haven't been worked yet this year.

Today we are going to work in the Meridian 83642 zip code within Cherry Lane and the Interstate, and Meridian Road and Ten Mile Road.  If you live within this area, please make sure gates are unlocked, valve boxes are visible, and if you are paying by check, please have it made out to "The Maintenance Shop."

There are currently 83 in the Meridian 83642 zip code.  We hope to take a big chunk out that area today.  About a dozen are concentrated in Mallard Landing and adjacent subdivisions around Linder and Franklin Road.

Our most heavily requested areas are Meridian 83646, Boise 83709, Meridian 83642, and Boise 83713 in that order.  We are concentrating right now in neighborhoods with the most requests clustered together so we can make up some time.  The closer together they are, the faster they get finished, and the faster we can move on to another area.  As we will be traveling again several times to all zip codes, those four areas will get more patrols to keep it from getting out of hand.

We are planning on part of Nampa on Wednesday because I will have assistance for the day and there are a few large properties that go some much smoother and faster with two people.  Especially when two sprinkler timers are involved that can be run at the same time with two people at the controls.

We were contemplating Star and Middleton on Thursday, but that has changed to Avimore, Hidden Springs, and Garden City since the majority of the homes we service in those areas are on city water, and we want to take care of the backflows for when it gets cold.  So far no sign of freezing temperatures, but as most of you know, freezing doesn't mean the demise of all sprinkler systems.  I generally don't even get mine blown out until near the end of November because I am too busy doing everyone elses……

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Sprinkler Blowout Route Might Be A Little Confusing Today……

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Heading To Boise For Sprinkler Blowouts on October 24, 2016


    • Michelle
    • October 25, 2016

    I'm just wondering how many Blowouts total you have for 83716 or Columbia Village. I realize I'm WAY out here and am curious if I'm the only one making you come all the way out here.


    1. Reply

      MIchelle,  I came to Columbia Village and surround area in the zip code earlier this year than last since most customers are using city water to water their lawns and have backflows and vacuum breakers that are subject to damage if it gets REALLY cold.  I have already built up several more for the area, so will be returning once I have visited other zip codes as I always do

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