Sprinkler Blowouts In Middleton And Star Today – Friday, October 28

We will be doing sprinkler blowouts in Middleton and Star today.  First stop is Middleton, and then will visit Star.  Finishing the 4 sprinkler blowouts we have in Middleton should be rather easy, but we have 25 in Star, and most likely will not get to all of them this time around.  We generally can finish about 20-25 sprinkler blowouts in a day under optimum conditions, so of the 29 total we currently have on our list I am hoping to get most of them on this trip. Any not completed this time will be finished on our next swing through Star.

I didn't get a chance to update our sprinkler blowouts stats chart last night, so will try to update it later tonight.

Things to remember.  When filling out our form, do not put notes in additional comments like, "We prefer to be home during the sprinkler blowout", or "you can only come on Wednesdays", or "call me before you come out because we need to put the dogs away", etc.  This section is for information regarding location of valve boxes, pet lion's name so we can get acquainted, which gate to access, and the like.  We RARELY look at this section until we pull up to the property for that reason.  You may PREFER to be home during the blowout, and that would be great if you are paying attention to this blog and know what day we will be there, but keep in mind you agreed to the terms of service stating, "I understand that If I am not at home at the time of the sprinkler blowout, "The Maintenance Shop" will attempt to do the sprinkler blowout in my absense." (#4)  "Only on Wednesdays" or other specific days are the same as scheduling appointments, which we cannot do with the workload that we have.

We have done thousands of sprinkler blowouts with dogs in the yard without an issue, but if you feel you need to put them away, do so before you leave in the morning or whenever on the day we are going to be in your area.  We post generally around midnight, so it is available for viewing no matter how early you start your day.

And, as always, make sure gates are unlocked, valve boxes are uncovered so we can find them, (we will not look under rocks, bark, planters, dog houses) because we just don't have time for a treasure hunt. (also in the terms of service). For a regular size yard, if we are there longer than 15 minutes, it is TOO long.  And lastly, if paying by check, please have them ready and made out to "The Maintenance Shop."

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Caldwell Today With Possibly Some Nampa On The Side

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TENTATIVE Schedule And Some Bad News


    • Bryan
    • October 28, 2016

    You say to make sure checks are ready for payment but if we arent home to hand you a check, what happens then?


    Bryan / Nampa

    1. Reply

      If you aren’t there to hand me a check I throw a temper tantrum, put a curse on your yard, and drive away.  Actually, you can leave a check under the front door mat, in a valve box, next to the sprinkler timer if available, etc., or I can email you an invoice to the email address you used to sign up for the sprinkler blowout as stated in our Terms of Service.  🙂

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