Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Another great day in Sprinkler Blowout land.  63 were completed yesterday, and that is after making several stops and finding irrigation is still running in places we thought were finished.

Here it is midnight and I have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 5:30 a.m. to take Jacob to the airport. And I have at least another hour’s worth of work to do before I call it for the night.  I will be “Walking Dead” most of the day today.

This was Jerry’s first day on his own, and I had a lot of positive texts saying how well he did for his first day on his own.  There is a lot of “Yes, Sir” and “Yes, Ma’m” in his vocabulary.  Must be that Texas upbringing.  Even after yesterday on his own he still wants to work 7 days a week.  for a 20-year-old, he should be able to do it because I did it for years and still had to come back and do a ton of paperwork, get very little sleep, and then up and at it again.

Our newest guy, Trevor, ran around with Jesse yesterday to learn the job and did quite well.  I was not surprised to get Jesse’s positive report.  Trevor served 12 years in the US Army as a combat medic, and I had no doubt whatsoever that he could do this job.

We are still running just 3 machines since Jacob will be gone for a week.  While he is gone I will be rebuilding an electric reel and getting it set up for “Orange Julius”, and Trevor will be using that one for the season.  He will be using “Leroy” for a week while Jacob is out of town.

Here is our route for today:

Caldwell –  “Cyclone” – Jesse

Blossom Way
Topeka Ave
Wintercrest St
Bainbridge St
Leanne Ave
Julie St
Conley Way
Fractus Dr
Dietz Way
Alverta Ave
Brampton Dr
Conner St
Chambers Way
Freezeout Rd
Monarch Rd
Maywood Pl
Hawthorne St – (Nampa 83686 that came in after we had already done the route)

Meridian 83642 – “Green Machine” – Jerry

W Jayton Dr
N Abernathy Way
N Tidwell Way
N Rotan Ave
W Snyder St
N Keagan Way
N Clara Ave
N Oxwich Ave
W Snow Canyon St
W Bayeux Dr
S Flintstone Ave
W Gander Dr
W Waltman Dr
W Loon St
Canvasback Way
S Spoonbill Ave
W Roosterfish St

Nampa 83651 – “Leroy” – Trevor

4th St S
Holland Dr
W Whisper St
W Willow Ave
W Claira Rd
Sagittarius Ct
W Cheshire Ct
Mission Pointe
Togstad Ave
W Mountain Pointe Ave
N Firestone Way
W Shoshone Ave
S Lemhi Dr
S Tamarack Way
W Shoshone Ave
S Bingham St
S Stillwater Way
S Tensleep St
S Cobblestone Ct
N Freestone Way
W Greenstone St
N Elderberry Circle
7th Ave S

It’s been a LONG day, so signing off for now so I can get 4 hours of sleep before I start all over again.

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Thursday, September 23, 2021

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, September 21, 2021

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