Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday, November 7 2018

So, I get a 1-star review yesterday on Yelp because my voicemail was full.  There goes my perfect 5-star rating.  I guess this person has nothing better to do but stick the knife in and twist it a little and do their part to destroy a great online reputation…………….  We get literally thousands of great compliments all year long, and some leave reviews but most do not.  Unless they have something bad to say, and they waste no time then, and most of the time they twist it around to make it sound better than what it is.  (99 percent of complaints we get online are from those who are mad because I am making them pay their bill.  Imagine that……)

On another note, every once in awhile something comes up that makes it harder and harder dealing with some of the people we have to contend with.  Here is what happened yesterday……..

I pull up to a house for a sprinkler blowout and ring the doorbell.  No answer.  I knock.  No answer.  With that I go about my duties of blowing out the sprinklers.  I caught someone trying to be sneaky and watching me from behind a curtain in the window, so someone was obviously home.  When I finished the blowout I sent a quick text to the number I have on file with “Sprinkler Blowout Complete.”  Within seconds, I receive a text back that they are cancelling service, because it is no longer needed.  I told her that I was just there and blew out the sprinklers.  She insisted that I was not at her house because she has been there all day and no one has been there.  I suggested she look outside at all the water on the sidewalk, driveway, etc., in which I got no response.  Finally she says she cancelled, and is not paying for service that she didn’t receive.  A few minutes later I get a cancellation notice for the property.  I promptly followed up with the picture I took of her sprinklers being blown out that I take at ALL properties when no one is home, or pretends not to be.  Didn’t hear a peep after that.  She got an invoice a few hours later.  I really hope I don’t look as stupid as some apparently think I am…….  Just another case of someone trying to get out of paying for a service provided.  I get a half-dozen of those a year, and it puts a really bad taste in my mouth.

I will get off my soapbox now and get to business at hand.  Jesse and I cleaned up all the blowouts we had in our work area except for two that we couldn’t get access to.  Rig #3 with Justin didn’t get out at all unfortunately because I got a call that his 7 year old son (my grandson) was throwing up all over the house and had to keep him home from school.  He will resume that route today while Jesse and I tackle some other areas of the 83646.  Jesse and I will team up for one property in Meridian with 36 zones.  With two people we can generally finish it up within about 30 minutes.  After that we will go our separate ways.

By the way, if you have questions to post here at our blog, please read through previous comments.  You may find your answer there because we get a lot of repeat questions.

Look at the map below to see our coverage area for today.   Thursday we will pick up all the stragglers left in the outer areas of the map and then move on to another zip code.  If you are wondering why Jesse gets two areas, it’s because he gets an early start in the morning at usually before I have all the routing finished so I give him something to chew on while he is waiting on me.  It takes me a while in the morning to get myself out of the office because of the barage of questions I get every morning that I have to answer,  when most of the questions are answered either on my side or in the terms of service.  Always look there first.

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Thursday, November 8, 2018

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, November 6, 2018


    • Jim and Jonni Baker
    • November 7, 2018

    Good morning! I unlike other people are READY to pay you cold hard cash to come do my sprinkler blowiout. 🙂 I am still blind and cannot read your map and do not get texts. I am guessing Spicewood Dr (off Merdiian road-between ustick and fiarview/cherry lane is on someones rounte today. The money will still be where i told you it would be. Jim will be here for a bit and i have work to do. No hiding behind the curtains. Have a great day Steve.

    1. Reply

      Hey Jonni, time got away from us today, but I will be over sometime in the morning to take care of you. 🙂

        • Jim and Jonni Baker
        • November 8, 2018

        We will be up by 8 am 🙂 See you sometime this morning 🙂 🙂 Your day is going to rock!

        1. Reply

          Thank you, Jonni. Your comments always make me smile. 🙂 I looked you up in our yearly databases, and see that you have been a customer since 2011. Much appreciated. Your continued business and support means a lot.

    • Cassie B.
    • November 7, 2018

    I see a red box around our little pin drop! We both work outside the home so we won’t be here but I wish we were so we could meet Jesse. So grateful to have stumbled upon y’all, for your attention to detail/explanations and all you invest to keep your customers informed and well taken care of. Stinks that there always seems to be those that bring things down. Lame. Thank you for all y’all do!

    1. Reply

      Yep, Jesse got you taken care of yesterday. 265 blowouts completed in the Meridian 83646, and I think about 30 more to go. At least for the time being.

    • Dan Ryan
    • November 7, 2018

    I’m guessing then that Jesse will be here sometime this morning? I was in his Zone 2 yesterday and he never made it here. (I did get a text stating he would be coming by yesterday, but no follow-up ext saying he was finished and no invoice in my email.) I shouldn’t be one of the places he had no access to since I provided you with the code to the garage.

    1. Reply

      Jesse got to you yesterday, and you have been invoiced through your email. Thank you for your business.

    • Juan & Megan Perez
    • November 7, 2018

    We are in Kuna and are on your list, was wondering if you have an idea of when you will be out in our neck of the woods? 🙂

    • Chad Field
    • November 7, 2018

    I’m on your list but haven’t seen anything about south meridian. I’m in the Tuscany subdivision at South Eagle and Amity. My address is 2518 E. Taormina Dr. Meridian ID 83642. When can I expect you guys?

    1. Reply

      We will be on that side of Meridian within 4-5 days as we will also work the 83709 at the same time. Blowouts will move a little faster now that we have our 3rd machine up and running again.

    • Maggie
    • November 8, 2018

    There is no pin drop on your map for our address, and this was my concern as we are new construction, that our home wouldn’t come up in google maps for you and we would get missed. We are in The Oaks off of McMillan/Black Cat, and put our submission in on 10/10. Thank you.

    1. Reply

      You were actually on the map, but not in the place you were supposed to be. The GEO progam we used put you in the wrong place which is why we couldn’t find you. Sorry for the inconvenience. I have noticed though that most of the time Google is faster at updating their map records than Garmin is, and that is their specialty. Go figure……..

        • Maggie
        • November 9, 2018

        Thank you for your response, please let me know if you need step by step directions to get here. Your answer didn’t say if you will still be coming to do our service though, so…still sitting here with fingers crossed. Thank you for your time!

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