Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Negative Review

So, I received my very first NEGATIVE review for the season on Google yesterday.  Seems Gary Engel, (I can use his name because he used his full name on a public review site) said I was “unprofessional, discourteous, and acted in an angry and childlike manner.”  He canceled his sprinkler blowout saying he never heard anything from me regarding updates and when his sprinkler blowout might be done.  I responded honestly letting him know that he was mistaken, and that I speak to hundreds of customers every day.   As most of you know, cancellations aren’t my favorite thing, but I surely don’t get angry about it.  For every cancellation that comes in there are several new requests to take it’s place in a matter of minutes.   Yesterday while we were out doing sprinkler blowouts we received 6 cancellations, and 49 new requests………

It is sad, but any negative reviews we get is because someone didn’t read the terms of service they agreed to when they signed up for a sprinkler blowout, or because I go after them for not paying their bill.  Never on the quality or lack thereof on our work.  Oh well, can’t please everyone.

We HAVE received four 5-Star reviews in the last 30 days though.  Hopefully more will come.

Now On To Business

Justin and I both worked in the Nampa 83686 yesterday.  I was late getting out of my office because I was trying to catch up on a ton of questions either through email or texts, while Justin was finishing up blowouts in the 83651.  There were a few he couldn’t do because of system issues in both zip codes.  Therefore we didn’t get as much accomplished today as I had hoped, so it will be tough finishing up the 83686 today, but we are going to work our hardest to do so.  This will no doubt throw off our tentative schedule, so I will have to update it again and post for all to see.

I have also worked up an email and sent it to everyone left on our list that haven’t received their blowout yet, with important info and links to important information.  If you haven’t received yours, check your junk folder.

Upcoming Blowouts

Once we have run through the 83686 we will be heading to Caldwell, Melba, and Parma.  Only one blowout in Melba and Parma so far this year, so except for travel time, neither should take very long.  We actually received a sprinkler blowout request for Mountain Home a few days ago.  Had to inform them that we travel, but not THAT far……..

We should have Caldwell completed within two days, and then we will head to the 83714 zip code.  That will complete our first round through the valley.  We will be spending about 4 days or less in the Meridian 83646 before we make our rounds through Boise again.  Based on our current amount of requests, we can make another pass through all of Boise (83702, 83703, 83704, 83705, 83706, 83709, 83712, 83713, and 83716 in about 8-9 days.  We will work Eagle in during that time as well which will take about a day to do.

Of course we will make more passes through the other side of Meridian, Kuna, Star, Nampa and Caldwell again.  Everything goes a lot faster on the second pass, and third, fourth, etc.  I have decided not to take any new requests after December 2.  I will be more than ready to quit by that point.

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Monday, October 29, 2018


    • Jim and Jonni Baker
    • October 30, 2018

    Jim was supposed to have called you to change our email contact to mine since i see emails more frequently then he does. As always we are patiently waiting (been loyal to you for years and years) for our blowout in the Meriidan 83646 area 🙂 Not sure if this is posted so will just say we are on W Spicewood Drive

    1. Reply

      Jonni, I will make sure the email is updated. I appreciate your patience, and your loyalty all these years. You know I would never leave you or anyone behind

    • Steve & Milena Hickey
    • October 30, 2018

    So is there any chance you come back to 83709?
    I am hoping I don’t have to figure this out by myself. We have been on on your list for quite some time… different phone # today lost other phone 🙁

    1. Reply

      I guarantee you we will be back. When we return we will complete our current list of the area, and then if any more come in after we have left we will return again. We do not leave anyone behind

    • Kathie vaughan
    • October 30, 2018

    I’m really needing to know when you’re planning on being at my dads. Lester trout 7298 Mojave dr Boise 83709

    1. Reply

      We will be back in the 83709 in about two weeks. Could be less depending on the number of cancellations that come in during that time. We will stay there for 3-4 days until the list is finished for the area

    • Alyssa
    • October 30, 2018

    I haven’t received the email you sent out (not in the junk). I also talked to my dad who is on your list as well and he didn’t get an email either. I didn’t want to miss any important info! Thanks.

    1. Reply

      Sorry, the email didn’t send as it was supposed to. It is sending now though

    • Casey Mason
    • October 30, 2018

    Hi there, I checked my spam folder and didn’t receive the email. Just want to make sure I’m still on your list. I’m in 83646. Thank you!

    Casey Mason

    1. Reply

      Sorry, the email didn’t send as it was supposed to. It is sending now though. Once you are on my list for the season, you are stuck there until you fill out our cancellation form. We do not lose anyone. Too many safeguards in place for that.

    • Jill
    • October 30, 2018

    So, you’ll probably be back to Boise 83709 in about 2 weeks?

    1. Reply

      That sounds about right, but could be sooner depending on the number of cancellations we get before then. We will spend 3-4 days there and finish up the list

    • Rebecca
    • October 30, 2018

    No email in inbox or junk. In 83607. 🙂

    1. Reply

      Sorry, the email didn’t send as it was supposed to. It is sending now though

    • Darrell Skorupski
    • October 30, 2018

    I did not receive the email referenced in the October 30th post. I did check my junk folder.

    1. Reply

      Sorry, the email didn’t send as it was supposed to. It is sending now though

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