I am going to keep this short and to the point today because I am mentally exhausted.
The candidate I was going to interview today for the technician position never showed. No text, no email, no nothing. If he gets hold of me again that ship has sailed. If a person can’t show up for an interview how can they be trusted to get to their job on time?
I have decided we are going to concentrate on Nampa & Caldwell for half the days next week so I can shut down the area to new requests and concentrate the remainder of the season in Ada county. Actually, I will be shutting the area down today for new requests. If customers haven’t signed up by this point, well they should have already.
More tomorrow. I have to say some things about cancellations, but just too dang tired to do it today.
Here are our routes for today:
Meridian 83646 – (After some stragglers in the 83709 that were are leftovers from yesterday) – “Cyclone” – Jesse
W Old Country Ct
W Chilacot Dr
S Cheyenne Ave
S Raymond St
W Ashland Dr
S Newport St
S Cameron St
W Spicewood Dr
N Parkbury Ave
W Waterbury Dr
W Sedgewick Dr
Nw 9th Pl
W Lawndale Dr
W Newport Dr
W Chateau Ave
West Claire St
Nw 12th St
W Mcglinchey St
Meridian 83646 – “Leroy” – Trevor (The route he was going to do Sunday)
W Bacall St
N Channing Way
N Mitchum Ave
N Saguaro Hills Ave
N Midnight Haze Ave
E Strauss Dr
E Redwick Dr
N Sun Shimmer Ave
E Bear Springs Dr
N Schubert Ave
N Spangle Ave
E Mozart St
Chopin Ave
E Comisky St
E Tuttle St
N Senita Hills Ave
W Laughton Dr
Meridian 83646 – “Orange Julius” – Jerry – (Could add more as the day go on)
N Colosseum Ave
N Exeter Avenue
W Renhold Dr
N Levenham Ave
N Calcutta Ave
W Vanderbilt Dr
W Hungry Creek St
N Mink Creek Ave
W Verona Dr
N Mckinley Park Ave
N Arches Way
W Ashby Dr
N Annata Ave
W Balducci St
I have been watching your blog and calendar, I just want to confirm you have my address on the list. Just so I know one of your Boise days my sprinklers will be blownout. Thank you. I also understand you will text me the night prior.
It looks like you are in Boise 83709. According to our calendar, we will be in that zip code on Thursday. We currently have about 150 in the zip code, and generally only do 60-70 in a day, so half of them will be taken care of and then the other half with any new ones sometime the following week. That total doesn’t include any new ones that will come in today and tomorrow or any cancellations that may come in as well. It fluctuates constantly.
Is Middleton on your list for future dates?
Yep, just not showing on the calendar yet
Can I get an approximate date? Can I confirm our address will be included?
I can’t find anything under you name, but did find one with your last name in Middleton. We will get to Middleton either when we go to Caldwell next week time willing, or the following week when we go to Star
I have been watching your blog and calendar. I have not seen Star and would like to confirm that I am on your list. Thank you.
Yes you are
Thank you. Can I confirm that our address is on the list to be included when the schedule is made for Middleton?
You’re there under Bryan
Is Dan/Linda on Gold St. on your list? Bryan (our son) is on Arrowrock.
Thank you for your reply.
Yep. we have both of you in Middleton
Thank you for your help!