Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Due to technical difficulties, Jacob will not be in Star today.  Star will resume tomorrow, and I will try and redo the calendar tonight, but it is likely pushing everything else one day out.


Yesterday didn’t go as smoothly as I would have liked in Meridian and Star, but Jesse rocked in Kuna.  We ran into system issues the Meridian 83646 so it put me behind by two hours, leaving 5 blowouts left on my route that I intended on doing.  Jacob had some issues in Middleton and Star which through him off as well.

For those who have been following this blog for awhile, I am letting everyone know I have a follow-up doctor’s appointment at 8:15 this morning regarding the nerve ablation I had done last week.  It shouldn’t take too long and I will be back on the road again.

Jesse will be working in Kuna today again, and Jacob will be working in Star.  It is unlikely that Jacob will finish his route because he has about 32 in Star, and he MIGHT get 21-25 with optimum working conditions and no system issues.  Jesse will probably get the 26 he has remaining providing there are no issues to slow him down as he did 30 in Kuna yesterday.  I wish I had his energy.  I did a long, long, time ago.  I have to keep reminding myself that I have more than twice his age………

Since we have some colder night temperatures coming up I will be making some changes to the calendar to put emphasis on the areas that still have backflow preventers attached to their sprinkler systems.  Even with the lower temperatures it won’t affect the backflow preventers in the ground, but there is a SLIGHT chance it could affect those that are above ground.  Throwing a blanket or a bucket over the top of the ones above ground would protect them from freezing.

There is still PLENTY of time to take care of those on pressurized irrigation.  It literally takes two months of every day cold temperatures to reach down to the level of most sprinkler piping.  On December 8 last year when it was around 24 degrees in Meridian I took my temperature probe early in the morning and did got a ground temperature reading of 35 degrees.  Not freezing even then, and when it does get below freezing that deep it can still take a while to cause damage.  So, hang in there, and we will get to you.  As I have told readers before over the last several years I have blown out sprinklers when it was 13 degrees outside with snow on the ground without issue other than our machines don’t like the cold.  Condensation produced by our machines that get in the hoses freezes and blocks the air supply when it gets cold.

Jacob’s route for today: (He will likely NOT get through this list, but hopefully will come close)

W Wildbranch St
W Whitecrest St
N Hullen Place
N Glen Aspen Way
W Broadford Dr
W. Ringle Creek St.
W Pembridge Dr
N Taurus Way
Procyon Pl
N Cygnus Pl
W Hazelwood Dr
N Knox Pl
west crossbow st
N Union Way
N Carswell Way
s long bay way
w celestial dr
W Hercules Dr
S Main str
W Stonecrop Ct
W Shumard Drive
W. Virginia City St.
W Wyatt Earp Dr

Jesse’s route for today:  He MIGHT be able to finish this entire list

S Greenhurst Rd.
W Cerulean Dr.
N Pewter Ave
w Cerulean Dr.
W Caliret St
N. Veridian Avenue
w Crenshaw St
N Azurite Dr
N Kenneth Ave
N Sparrow Hawk Ave
S Updale Ave
N Greenville Ave
E Jack Creek
S Tomen Ave
south wild yucca Avenue
S Whitehorse Ave.
Poen Rd.

These are some that we don’t know exactly where they are, but we think most are near the Meridian Rd and Hubbard Rd intersection:

S Baratheon Ave
E Andes drive
E. Merino Street
S Palena Place
1744 N Snowfield Pl

And finally, my list of stops for the day.  Whether I can complete this list depends on how long my doctor appointment is in the morning.

NW 10th Ave
N. Fox Run Way
W. Barrymore Dr
N Bergman Ave
W Brandt Ln
N. Levenham Ave.
W. Sand Wedge St.
N Moon Drummer Way
W. Sugar Tree Dr.
W Lost Rapids Dr
W Wolf Rapids Street
N Carlese Ave
N Joy Ave
N Bolsena Ave
W Vanderbilt Dr
N Botticelli Ave.
W Milano St.
N. Vicenza Ave.
N. Tirso Ave
N Station Pl



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Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday, October 23, 2019

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Monday, October 21, 2019


    • Eileen Abreu
    • October 22, 2019

    I did not see my street listed for Star. Does that mean it will be added to Wednesday?

    1. Reply

      Not likely until our next pass in a week or so. You only signed up two days ago. There are some in Star who signed up back in September. We can’t just stay in one area until they are all finished by they never will be. I’ll guarantee several more will come in from Star today. The only ones we can spend more than two days in at a time are Meridian 83642 and 83646, and the Boise 83709 because they make up nearly half of our season’s blowouts and if we don’t spend more time there they will never get finished. Don’t worry, it won’t be cold enough to hurt your sprinkler system for another month if then. I don’t even blow my own out until the only day off I get – Thanksgiving, and I am on city water.

      Once we finish our first pass through all the valley by the end of the week the 2nd, 3rd, etc., if needed go MUCH faster.

    • Mary
    • October 22, 2019

    Thank You for the daily updates!
    I really like how you’ve been posted the streets instead of the map. The map does not enlarge and its hard to tell exactly where you will be.
    The street names really help! Thank You

    1. Reply

      Thank you for your opinion. Sounds like I should stay with that. It is actually easier and takes less time.

    • Heidi Czapiewski
    • October 22, 2019

    Hey there! I’m the S Baratheon address and we are near Hubbard and 10 mile. The street is a left turn off of Mason Creek (by Silver Trail Elementary) in the Silver Trail subdivision.

    1. Reply

      Thank you for the information. I just read your comment. Yours was the only one in Kuna we didn’t get to. I will pass that information off to Jesse.

    2. Reply

      Appreciate the directions. Jesse couldn’t find it it yesterday, and I didn’t see your comment until last night when I started working on the blog. Jesse should be there today when he finishes Star

    • Moore K
    • October 22, 2019

    Since you’re out of Boise now does that mean 83709 was missed?

    1. Reply

      We don’t “miss” anything. We will be to that zip code soon.

    • Jeff Brooks
    • October 22, 2019

    I signed up prior to last week in 83642 and you didn’t show up. Now it looks like you’ve missed me again this week…

    1027 E. Cayman Drive, Meridian 83642

    southeast of Meridian Road-Overland Road intersection, Meridian Greens

    1. Reply

      We haven’t “missed” you. We have 133 still to do in the zip code. It takes time. We will get to you if you can be patient. If patience isn’t your thing you may send in a cancellation.

    • Holly Fellows
    • October 22, 2019

    Hello just wondering when my house will be done I live on shetland rd 83709

    1. Reply

      Take a look at our calendar for when we will be in that zip code

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