Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, November 6, 2018

We had a pretty good day in sprinkler blowout land yesterday.  Only missed two we couldn’t get to because of locked gates.  They are both rentals, and sometimes it is difficult getting tenants on the same page as owners and management companies, but we should be able to get them taken care of today.

My oldest, Justin, will be back in service tomorrow after nursing his shoulder for a few days after injuring it some on last Friday.  He had surgery on that shoulder a few months ago, and he pushed it a little to hard the other day.  This time of year is hard on the body.  Each job itself isn’t hard, but doing that job 1,500 times or more within 6-8 weeks can be rough.

We work whether we are injured or not.  Our primary goal is not to nurse our injuries but to reach our customers.  Jesse injured his hand on the job a few days ago smashing two of his fingers, and has been working with a finger in a splint trying not to hurt it more.

Now for some good news.  Since Just is back in service, we are putting my oldest compressor back in service as well.  It has been a good machine but needed a lot of repairs this season.  We are giving it a test run tomorrow to see how it does.  The good news is that if we can keep it in service we will be able to get to everyone just a little bit faster……….  I am working on a tentative schedule, but want to see how the #3 compressor does today before I get to serious on scheduling.

I am posting the current map of the Meridian 83646 so you can see how many blowouts we have in the area.  We get hit HARD in Meridian.  The big empty spaces on the map are the ones we already worked on.  There is the possibility we won’t reach everyone within our work area tomorrow.  It depends on what we run into along the way.  Whatever we do not have time for we will catch on our next pass.


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Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday, November 7 2018

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Monday, November 5, 2018


    • Cassie B.
    • November 6, 2018

    We’re in the area between Linder and Meridian/Ustick and McMillan that is empty but we’ve not gotten an invoice so I’m unsure whether or not we’ve been hit. Newbie here. Thank you for the diligence in your posts!

    1. Reply

      Double-checked and you are on the map. Near the top of McMillan Road between Meridian and Linder. Just not in the area we are working today

    • Rebekah Spencer
    • November 6, 2018

    I never seem to be on any of the Meridian maps. My neighborhood is either just above or just below where you are working in Meridian. Any idea about when you’ll be getting to us in low population outskirts? (Franklin between 10 mile &black cat)

    1. Reply

      we are working in the 83646 this week and you are in the 83642 which is why it isn’t showing

    • Michelle
    • November 6, 2018

    Hi! I’m in the Linder & McMillan area. No one has been out yet but I don’t see a box around my location. Hoping you can give me an idea what day this week you’ll be out so I can keep my dog in. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Reply

      There isn’t a box around your location because you don’t live in the area we are servicing today. We’ll let you know when we will be there.

    • Pamela
    • November 6, 2018

    Thank you for your diligence and kindness, I’ll recommend your services! I have been a returning customer for a few years and will continue!

    1. Reply

      Thanks Pamela. I did some research to see how far back we go, and I was able to trace you back to 2014 which makes this the 5th season I have blown out your sprinklers. Thanks for being one of our long-time customers

    • Bonnie
    • November 6, 2018

    In the 12 years we’ve hired someone to do our Fall blowout, never has it been someone so knowledgeable and efficient as JESSE!!! He is amazing at his trade, and of course wish to request HIS return for next year! Thanks again, Jesse for your expertise! 🙂

    1. Reply

      Thanks Bonnie. He has worked for me for 4 years, and I have spent a lot of time teaching him how to do many different things and doing them the proper way, not just half-baked to get the job done.

    • Tanya Carpenter
    • November 6, 2018

    Hi! We are in Boise, 83704 and not sure if you have been here yet. We are between Northview and Ustick. We also haven’t received an invoice yet. Thanks!

    1. Reply

      As soon as we finish this side of Meridian we are going to head to Boise and clean up all the boise zip codes. In the midst of that we will be in Eagle as well and then the other side of Meridian and other areas…..

    • Bernadette Warnick
    • November 6, 2018

    I am off off South Cole and Victory. Do you have any idea when you will be in this area?

    1. Reply

      should be in that area within 5 days

    • Brenda
    • November 6, 2018

    Any idea when you’ll be in Boise?

    1. Reply

      As soon as we get the 83646 under control which should be in two more days

    • Megan Perez
    • November 7, 2018

    We are out in Kuna, any idea when you will be out our way? I have heard great things about your services!

    1. Reply

      We have already made one trip through Kuna, so we are on our second round through the valley which doesn’t take near as long as the first. Probably looking at 8-10 more days before we return. Could be sooner now that we have our 3rd machine running.

    • Phillip
    • November 7, 2018

    As I am a new customer to you and new to the area and I don’t know my way around yet, When do you think you will be back in Kuna?

    1. Reply

      Welcome to The Maintenance Shop, home of the best blowouts in the valley. 🙂 and welcome to the area as well. We will be back in Kuna in 8-10 days or less

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