Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, December 3, 2019

We are going to rinse and repeat yesterday since we weren’t able to get out.  Going to love these temperatures in the 40’s all week.  The best part about that is at this rate it is highly unlikely the freezing level will reach the piping of most underground sprinkler systems and or stay there long enough to cause any damage.  Poly pipe holds up quite well in the winter, it’s the PVC that doesn’t handle the cold.  Glad they finally figured that out and started putting systems in with poly pipe.  I’ve known for 30 years that PVC shouldn’t be used underground or exposed above the surface.  the chemicals in PVC leach into the ground which over time makes the piping brittle and damaged by tree roots, freezing if the level gets deep enough, and above ground the sun can speed up the leaching of the chemicals and damage the PVC.  I will be writing an article after sprinkler blowouts are completed and give out information that a lot of sprinkler blowout companies don’t want you to know.  We don’t use scare tactics here.  We will always give it to you straight.

Anyway, to see the routes for today, just look at yesterday’s routes.

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Sprinkler Blowouts Fro Wednesday, December 4, 2019

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Monday, December 2, 2019

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