Sprinkler Blowouts for Thursday October 11, 2018

Sorry folks, no route maps today.  Ran out of time.  There’s is a LOT that goes into the daily activity of sprinkler blowouts, and it doesn’t end when the blowouts are done for the day.  It is quite common to be up until 3:00 a.m. every day preparing for the next day that starts at 7:30 a.m.  Only 3 days in this season and already I’m remembering the Danny Glover line in Lethal Weapon: “I’m too old for this……” Well, you know.

Today Jesse and Justin are going to team up and work the Boise 83702 and 83703 zip codes.   There are currently 42 sprinkler blowouts on our list for the 83702 and 83703, but hoping with two people working together they can get most of them in one day.  Any stragglers will be picked up the following day.

I will be working again in the Boise 83716.  I Only made my way through about half of the 83716 yesterday.  Systems on city water can take a lot longer at times because there is water in the main tubes and it makes it hard to find the shut-off valves, or the blowout port on the system is corroded and can’t be opened in which case we have to go through a test cock on the backflow preventers, which limits the amount of air flow into the system and we can only blow out one zone at a time.  With a bigger blowout port we can often times blow out 5-8 zones or more at once with our large machines, which saves a lot of time .

We are still trying to cover as many city systems with backflow preventers as we can first, but of course if there is pressurized irrigation on the route we’ll take care of that as well.  Still plenty of time to get systems blown out.  We are averaging 37-40 completed per day.


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Sprinkler Blowouts For Friday October 12, 2018

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday October 10, 2018


    • October 11, 2018

    I just read your post today and although I know you didn’t have time to map the day, I was wondering when your team will be doing the 83642 area? I am trying to schedule the day to be home, but I haven’t seen any previous posts about my area of Meridian. Thank you!

    1. Reply

      A lot of the time we don’t know where we will be until the night before. I will try and get info to you sooner by putting a schedule together on this blog. Right now we are concentrating on city water systems where backflows are involved because they are usually above ground or just a bit below and could freeze if we get a deep freeze that comes on quickly. We are moving quickly and have done 113 blowouts in the last 3 days.

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