Sprinkler Blowouts For Thursday, November 8, 2018

We cleaned up about 45 sprinkler blowouts in the Meridian 83646 yesterday.  That leaves us about 30 to go, which I would hope that we can do in a day.  I say this because Justin will be working in Eagle, and I will be splitting my time between the Meridian 83646 and Eagle, and Jesse will be in Meridian 83646 for the day.

Friday all 3 rigs will be in Eagle until it is caught up, and then two of us will be traveling to the 83709 for Friday and Saturday, while the 3rd may be in the 83713 on Friday if there is time.

The reason we are doing it this way is because Eagle, the 83713, both sides of Meridian, and the 83709 have requests that go clear back to when we started this season, but ran out of time getting to them before we had to move on.  All other areas had been totally completed on our first round unless it was one we couldn’t do because of a system issue, locked gates, or aggressive dogs.  There are several blowouts in these other areas, but they came in after we had already been there once, so we are going to take care of our customers who have been waiting the longest.

I do not have a map or route put together at this time, but hope to at least be able to contact those early this morning that we will be visiting.  We have been fighting with Internet issues, with what is probably a faulty modem, but hope that will be resolved in the morning.  All our billing, routing, and mass texting is done through the Internet, as well as our various form databases.   When the service is down, it can really mess up my day.  Our Internet has gone down several times just while writing this post.  It makes it difficult getting routes done for 3 rigs with choppy Internet.  I tethered off my phone for awhile just to catch up on new requests and cancellations.

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Saturday, November 10, 2018

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Wednesday, November 7 2018


    • Carrie
    • November 8, 2018

    Hi there,
    Just curious if you are coming back to 83642? I am worried about how cold it is getting.

    1. Reply

      Yes, we are coming back. We circle around several times as needed until all sprinkler blowouts are done. We have never left anyone in the lurch, and never will. We will be bouncing between the Boise 83709 and Meridian 83642 over the weekend and for a few days first part of the week.

        • Carrie
        • November 9, 2018

        Thank you

    • Zach
    • November 8, 2018

    Good afternoon I booked about two weeks ago to get my sprinklers blown out I like in the 83716 area code SE Boise, I got your email on 10/31/18 about potentially being in this area soon, I was just seeing if that is going to still happen, let me know thanks.

    1. Reply

      Yep! As I have said before, we never leave anyone behind. We do get quite busy, thanks to a #1 rating on Google and tons of referrals from happy customers, but we never forget anyone. With the system we have it is virtually impossible to lose anyone.

    • Michael
    • November 9, 2018

    I submitted my request for a sprinkler blowout today but I put the wrong city but correct zip code. How can I go back and fix that?

    1. Reply

      I caught it right away and fixed it for you

    • Lorena R
    • November 9, 2018

    Buuuuut, it got down to 29 last night…it is little comfort to know that you will get to us (eventually) if our system freezes and breaks while waiting for you. Glad you are busy…but if you are too busy to get to your customers in a timely manner…then I can’t say that I’m one of your happy customers. My request was submitted on Oct 10th according to your confirmation email. I could have hired someone else and had this done weeks ago…would have been worth it even if it cost a bit more. This is the second year I’ve tried using your service based on your awesome reviews…last year I just gave up waiting…

    1. Reply

      We will be back in the 83642 in a few days, and splitting our time with the 83709 with one machine in each location. The outside air temperature has dropped, but the ground is still 45 degrees with what I checked this morning in Meridian. 13 degrees above freezing, and even if the ground got to 32 degrees it takes awhile to freeze pipes. Then you add the fact that your sprinkler system is likely poly pipe which expands quite a bit before it is damaged. PVC pipe can freeze and break, but again, the ground has to be cold enough to do it. I haven’t blown my own sprinklers out yet, and won’t until Thanksgiving Day, and I am not the least bit worried.

    • Shaun Lutz
    • November 9, 2018

    Steven, really appreciate ur guys work and the ethics having done this work in past, huge props too u guys. I submitted request for Kuna area and wanted to see if you have an ETA by chance. Thank you

    1. Reply

      We need to get through some areas in Boise before we head back to Kuna. We had just left there on our first round a few days before you signed up. Appreciate your patience, but no hard feelings if you decide to move on.

    • Lauren
    • November 9, 2018

    Hello! Any word on when 83713 might be looped around to? I know this post says possibly Friday, but I’m guessing ya’ll stayed busy in the Eagle area. Thanks!

    1. Reply

      We are going actually split our time between the 83709, 83713, and 83642 to try and cut down the list as quickly as possible. This will start on Sunday or Monday at the latest. More will be explained in the next post.

    • Lauren
    • November 10, 2018

    Thank you!

    • Victor Watson
    • November 11, 2018

    Thanks for the response regarding 83642 coming this week (Nov12). Please remember that we are not home on Wednesdays before 12:30 PM.

    1. Reply

      Thanks for the reminder Victor

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