Another good day with sprinkler blowouts. 314 blowouts completed so far and we are 10 days from our usual start date. I expect around 500 completed by the time we open up full bore on all systems around October 4. We will have four machines running by the middle of next week which will increase our completions by about 20 or so a day compared to last week during Jacob’s vacation.
Jerry will be working today in Meridian 83646 on overtime most if not all the day. That being said please make sure everything is accessible for him today if you are on his route so he can work as efficiently as possible. Trevor will be working on Sunday, but not sure where I will put him yet, and then Monday Jesse will be back for another week. Jacob will be back to work on Wednesday.
I will be glad when we can work on all requests instead of just irrigation. It is much easier to do than trying to decipher who has pressurized irrigation and who doesn’t, who has water and who doesn’t, etc. I don’t know for certain if some of the ones stops believe have their water off. I guess we will find out…….
Since Jerry wanted the overtime, here goes. This is his route for today:
Meridian 83646 – “Green Machine” – Jerry
W Scottsdale St
W Thornapple Dr
N Predo Way
W Mattawa Dr
W Wapoot St
W Milano Dr
N Larkwood Ave
E Tuttle St
E Tallinn St
E Mozart St
E Meadow Creek Dr
N Schubert Ave
N Brooksburg Way
N Justin Ave
E Swindell Dr
E Arch Dr
N Betula Ave