This is a word-for-word conversation I had yesterday by text. I ended up shaking my head and it gave me a headache just thinking about it. Keep in mind you will sense my agitation, but after dealing with three or four dozen like this it takes its toll over 7-9 weeks. Maybe someone can explain this to me. I mean, I know the obvious answer, but why?
Customer: “I just canceled because I never got a response back.
Me: No problem. Not sure what you mean about getting back to you because as you know we only get back to you the night before we are to be at your location.”
Customer: Ah, I didn’t know this. Thanks for letting me know.”
Me: “Well that is interesting because you read that in our terms of service when you signed up.”
Customer: I put in a request, but there was no place to put a date and the date I wanted wasn’t available on your calendar.”
Me: “That’s true because as you also read we do not make appointments for sprinkler blowouts. That is on the very first line of our terms.”
Customer: Ok, good thing I canceled cuz I travel and that model doesn’t work for my schedule.”
Me: “Knowing that, why in the world did you sign up to begin with.”
Customer: “……………” (Crickets)
Jesse will be working today to make up for a day he had to miss during the week, and Challis wants the overtime so we will have two out working today. I am keeping both of them in Meridian 83646 for the day.
Jesse with “Orange Julius”
E Clear Creek
E Tuttle St
N Saguaro Hills Ave
E Producer Dr
N Claret Cup Way
W Bacall Dr
N Mitchum Ave
W Broderick Dr
W Gable St
N Mitchum Ave
W Peck St
N Price Ave
W Great Basin Dr
N Rhodes Ave
N Bryce Canyon Ave
W Tida St
W Cobblefield Ct
W Great Basin Dr
W Deer Crest Dr
N Bergman Ave
Challis with “Purple Rain”
E Clear Creek
W Salix Dr
N Agrarian Ave
W Star Hollow Dr
N Oakstone Ave
W Rattlesnake Dr
W Boulder Bar Dr
W Brandt Ln
W Puzzle Creek
N Mink Creek Ave
W Divide Creek St
N Chimney Peak Ave
W Apgar Creek Dr
What do you guys do when you show up and some of the sprinkler heads are frozen, preventing that section of line from being blown out?
That hasn’t happened in I don’t know how long. It has to be really cold for an extended period of time for that to happen, and if the steps we have shown to help protect systems from freezing are followed it is extremely rare. Also, the air that comes out of our machines is warmed by the engine so that also helps as long as the other steps were followed BEFORE we got an extended freeze, or any freeze at all.