Sprinkler Blowouts For Saturday, November 17, 2018

Interesting story from yesterday……

I was hooking up my hose to a backflow preventer near the street when a man in his mid-fifties stopped by while walking his dog.  He told me that I shouldn’t be doing this blowout because the temperature has been below freezing  every night for several nights and the system was frozen and I would damage the backflow by trying to blow it out, and that is was probably already frozen solid and not usable anyway.  I asked him where he got this information and he said he blew out sprinklers for 10 years.  I smiled while I thought to myself, “I’ve done this for 21 years.”  I asked him if he knew about factors that effect soil temperature like daily air temperature fluctuations, precipitation, vegetation, etc., and he looked at me like a embarrassed little kid asked to answer a question that he didn’t know the answer to in front of the entire class.  I let that soak in for a minute and fired up my machine.  What a beautiful site.  6 zones popping up all over the yard with enough water to fill Orson Well’s bathtub.   Before I could bring out my trusty thermometer to check the ground temperature and explain a few things to him he walked off not saying a word.   MADE MY DAY!  🙂

Jesse and I both worked in the 83709 yesterday and had a pretty decent day except for one that was supposed to be  a simple 7 zone blowout that would only take 15 minutes from start to finish, but ended up taking an hour because the blowout plug was rusted in place, and the backflow was old and had problems of it’s own.  I had t remove the backflow and blowout from the piping.  Because of that I only missed one blowout I wanted to get to on Fairfield, but it got too dark to see.  One of us will take care of that one on Sunday.

Today both rigs will be in the 83642 for the entire day.  Depending on how the day goes, one of us will finish up the 83709 on Sunday while the other works in the 83642.  When I say finish up, it doesn’t necessarily mean completing the zip code.  We get new requests in each area every day, so could end up never being able to leave the 83709.   However, we will make it to everyone on our list that sticks around, regardless of how many trips we make to the area.  My plan is to stop taking new requests at the end of the day on December 2.  I have to stop sometime, because believe me, I would get requests into January if I let them.  I can no longer say we are closed to new requests.  I have to actually remove the form from my site.

Here are the maps for today’s travels.  There are two homes that do not show on the map that Jesse will be getting to.  One is Danskin and the other is Siltstone:

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Sunday, November 18, 2018

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Friday, November 16, 2018


    • Sabra
    • November 18, 2018

    Did you guys try to come by 558 South Woodhaven Ave in 83642?

    1. Reply

      Yep. We not only came by, we conquered. 🙂

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