Sprinkler Blowouts For Saturday, November 10, 2018

Ground temperature this morning: 44 degrees.

For the first time in a VERY long time we didn’t have a daily post.  Our Internet was down, so not only was I not able to post an update, I couldn’t route our rigs, or even contact our customers to let them know we were coming yesterday.  On top of that, the Meridian route we were working on got postponed because Jesse decided he needed to be with his best friend the previous night at the hospital while his best friend’s wife was in labor, so didn’t get any sleep.

Our small compressor was working for awhile, and then stopped, so Justin brought it back and grabbed the one Jesse was supposed to be using, and headed back to Eagle.  I also worked in Eagle for part of the afternoon because I was stuck at my office all morning while my Internet issues were being repaired.  It was also payday, and it is quite difficult working on payroll with no Internet….

Yesterday was also my wife’s birthday, and as my long-time customers know I usually take that day off since she rarely sees me at all during this time of year.  This year, with the chain of events that took place I did not take the day off.  This is a first in several years.

Today marks the day that new sprinkler blowout requests increase to $40 for up to 6 zones.  Let me say that again, NEW REQUESTS go up starting today.  NOT requests made BEFORE November 10.  I need to clarify that because every year regardless of how well I explain it contact me about the cost of their sprinkler blowout going up.  So, any requests made up to November 9 are $30 for up to 6 zones.  November 10 to November 30 they increase to $40……

Today Jesse will be working in the Meridian 83646, BUT he will not be getting to the very new requests that came in.  They will have to wait until we pass through again because requests in Meridian 83646 never stop.  In fairness to all, we are getting to the ones who have waited the longest first.  Once Jesse finishes the ones in Meridian 83646 on his route, he will be working in Eagle where I will be for one more day.

Sunday I will be in the 83709 for several days while Justin will be spending a day starting Monday in the 83642 and then alternating with the 83713 each day.  The reason for this is because we currently have 136 blowouts to do in the 83709, and 81 and 58 in the 83642 and 83713.  It would have been great if our 3rd machine was operational, but I will have to spend some time working on it again.

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Sunday, November 11, 2018

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Thursday, November 8, 2018

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