Sprinkler Blowouts For Monday, October 24, 2022

Jerry made a decent dent yesterday with the blowouts left by Trevor on Friday. Kelly will finish some more of them today, and then I will have Jesse finish off Trevor’s old route on Tuesday.

Speaking of Jesse, he will not be working today.  He has an issue with his left shoulder that was treated yesterday at the hospital and should be back to work on Tuesday.  This means since we haven’t found a suitable replacement yet for Trevor, there will only be two rigs out today.  We are concentrating today in Meridian with ones with city systems since the temperatures are dropping some more at night.  Irrigation systems have a LONG time before they will have issues with the cold.

For the remainder of the week, we will spend most of the time in Meridian and Boise 83709 because at this point more than half of our current remaining blowouts are in these areas. Don’t forget you can see our current stats on our website.  Some areas are updated throughout the day, but most are done at night for the current day.

We are still looking for help for our 4th machine, “Purple Rain.” If we get two interested in the job we will pick up another machine and get it outfitted which will speed up our routes even more.  I hope within the next 5 years that we can add another 5-6 machines since we grow by 400-600 new blowouts a year. Most of that is due to referrals from our current customers.

If anyone wants to help in our employment search, (it could be an advantage on your part because we may be able to find help faster and get to our customers faster as well,) below are two links. One is an image of our ad if you want to share it on Next Door, Instagram, Facebook, or the like, and the other is a pdf file if you would like to share it by email.



Here are the routes for today:

Boise 83705 (Trevor’s Route) & Meridian 83642 – Kelly with “Leroy”

Tendoy Dr
S Virginia Ave
W Norcrest Dr
Dill Dr
W Cherry Ln
Glen Haven Pl
Edson St
W Chateau Dr
NW 14th Pl
NW 14th St
W 13th St
W Washington Ave
NW 1st St
E State Ave
E Ashford St
E Fairview Ave (Trailer Park)
W Broadway Ave
W Snyder St
W Santa Clara Dr

Meridian 83646 – Jerry with “Orange Julius”

W Pebblestone Ct
W Fieldstream Dr
N Old Stone Way
N Leann Way
N Marianna Pl
N Nyborg Way
W Rainfall St
W Radial Ct
NW 9th Pl
N Kenmere Dr
W Claire St
N Snow Goose Way
N Bobcat Way
N Sapphire Pl
E Hunter Dr
E Green Meadow Ct
N Dixie Pl
E Lochmeadow Ct
N Devlin Ave

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, October 25, 2022

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Sunday, October 23, 2022 And More News


    • October 24, 2022

    Do you have an idea on when you will get to the Caldwell Cirrus Point 83607 area?

    1. Reply

      Generally around Halloween or a few days after. We seem to end up in Canyon county around the same time every year.

        • Jermey Lyons
        • October 25, 2022

        Thank you for the update. Keep up the good work.

    • Zach Anderson
    • October 24, 2022

    Is there a schedule set for Farmington Ave in Southridge subdivision? 83642

    1. Reply

      As we have stated in the past, we work our routes the night before we are to arrive in a particular area. Setting them up in advance is futile. We get new requests and also cancellations every day and we would have to change it constantly. Also if someone signs up right next door to one we have previously scheduled we won’t know about it when scheduling early. With 4,000+ requests each season we can’t work that any more efficiently.

      We will let you know the night before we are to arrive as stated in the terms you agreed to when you signed up for service.

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