Sprinkler Blowouts For Friday, November 1, 2019

I just spent the last 4 hours revamping our calendar, so if you are interested check it out.  I am sure it will make a few unhappy, but it was the only thing I could do to provide coverage.

We had a few setbacks over the last few days with sprinkler system issues as well as Jesse’s truck breaking down.  He did buy another truck, but the dealership is taking their sweet time getting it ready for him.  Jesse was supposed to be working on pre-paid customers in Meridian yesterday, but no truck, no blowouts.  Fortunately he should have his truck back by 10 a.m. or so today.

Jacob and I will be working on all the Meridian pre-paid customers and should finish them in one day if there are no complications.  Once Jesse gets his truck he will be working in the Nampa 83687 for Friday and Saturday while Jacob and I work Avimor, Hidden Springs, and Eagle on Saturday.

We have had a few issues with our texting program, so as I have always said, best thing to do is keep an eye on this blog.

Once we are finished with the Nampa 83687 and Avimor, Hidden Springs and Eagle, we will likely start posting routes again unless I feel we can complete an entire area in one day.

On another note, I haven’t had time to check our email in several days.  My office manager has gotten to some of them, and she is trying to keep up with some of the texting from my computer, because I definitely don’t have time to answer texts.  I have been using another phone that my techs call the “Bat Phone” to get hold of during the day if there is a problem because I don’t even look at my regular phone during the day.  Just no time to do so.  No one other than my employees have the number to the “Bat Phone” so it has allowed me to get some actual work done instead of being bombarded with phone calls all day long.  After all, the objective is to get blowouts done is it not?  Hard to do while getting bombarded with texts, phone calls, and emails…….

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Saturday, November 2, 2019

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Halloween 2019


    • Chuck Barnes
    • November 1, 2019

    Saw on your calendar you were planning on doing Meridian today. Didn’t see anything saying someone came by. Just wanted to check the status on when you might be coming by. Thanks.

    1. Reply

      We were in the Meridian 83646 finishing up the last of our pre-paid customer who signed up in August and September. Looks like you are in the 83642. We will be spending several days there over the next 3 weeks. Don’t know who falls where in our routing until the night before.

    • Bernadette
    • November 1, 2019

    Do you have any idea when you will be doing the blowouts in 83709 zip code?

    1. Reply

      Please see our calendar. We will be in the Boise 83709 several times over the next 3 weeks.

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