Sprinkler Blowouts Continue In Meridian On Tuesday

I made a nice dent in the sprinkler blowouts of Meridian 83646 on Monday, but still have many more to do.  I will be back in the 83646 area on Wednesday.  On Tuesday I am going to concentrate on the Meridian 863642 area, and hopefully take a lot off my list.  I will eventually get to them all, as I do every year, but being the #1 guy on the Internet for sprinkler blowouts does have it's challenges.  🙂

I am still planning on being in Nampa and Eagle on Thursday to clear out my list, but with 17 in the two areas combined it could be tough if I can't get the access I need to do the sprinkler blowouts.  Any sprinkler blowouts in Eagle I do not finish on Thursday will get finished Friday on my way to Boise.  With only 4 in Eagle that shouldn't be a problem.

As stated in yesterday's post I had some battery issues with my compressor which through diagnostics found it to be an alternator issue.  I will be replacing the alternator in my compressor at first light on Tuesday, but that shouldn't take me longer than 30 minutes to do since all mechanical parts of my compressor are so easy to get to.  My compressor has performed several thousand sprinkler blowouts, without many mechanical issues at all, so I am very fortunate.

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Meridian Day Three

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Meridian On Monday


    • Clint Dolsby
    • November 8, 2011

    Any idea when you will be back in 80706?  Its getting pretty cold out and I'm starting to get worried

    1. Reply

      I will be back in Boise for three days starting Friday, and will be working in the 83713 and 83714 areas. I have more than one day’s worth in these areas, but plan to make a big dent in my list. I will know where I will be Saturday when i go over my route Friday night.

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