I finished up the remaining sprinkler blowouts yesterday at 1:30 p.m. Now on to chasing down over 140 payments that haven't been made yet. Some invoice go back to mid-October. Under Idaho law, I have 90 days from the date of service to file a lien on a serviced property, but I would really not have to do that because of the time involved, but I have to abide by the terms I created or they become void.
Definitely going to have to find some help for next year. I have another compressor just sitting with no one to run it. The way we keep growing by 20% or more each year it is getting difficult to keep up.
Hope to see you all next season. Now on to several work orders I have been putting on hold including furnace repair, home rekeying, gutter repair and cleanout, roof vents to install, dishwasher to install,etc. No rest for the wicked, I guess.