Sprinker Blowouts: Kuna and Meridian Update

I am late with this post, but wanted to give a status report on sprinkler blowouts.  We worked in Kuna and Meridian Friday, and plan to work in Meridian on Saturday.  All the Kuna properties are finished so far, but I am sure we will get several more from Kuna as the weeks go on.

We finished 15 sprinkler blowouts Friday, and hope to do at least that many in Meridian on Saturday.  If you haven't signed up for a sprinkler blowout yet please do so.  New sprinkler blowouts are added to my list every day.  Everything went pretty smoothly except for a few where we had trouble finding the valve boxes.  Make sure your all your valve boxes are visible or flagged so we don't have to waste a lot of time searching for them.  The longer it takes to find them all the longer the later we will getting to the next property on our list.   Last year we actually found one valve box under a dog house!

We have more sprinkler blowouts in Meridian than we can get to in one day, so if we don't get to yours when we circle around again.  If everything works as planned, we will be in Boise Monday and Tuesday, and then Nampa and Caldwell on Wednesday, Eagle and Meridian on Thursday and Friday of next week.  Make sure you are subscribed to this blog by email or rss feed to keep up on any changes.

Comments from our customers are welcome!

See you soon. 

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Sprinkler Blowouts: Working In Boise For The Next Two Days

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Sprinkler Blowouts Start In A Few Days

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