Service Requests For The Week Of May 24, 2020

When I post a weekly schedule it is usually on Sunday, but it has been a hectic 3-4 days. First, my two oldest boys were out camping with their wives and children in the Sawtooths when both of their trucks got stuck in the mud about two feet deep.  What was dry land when they started their exploration of the area quickly became a marsh as some snow melted and ran down to their location.  So they walked back to camp about a half-mile away.  Jesse, Jacob, and drove 3 different vehicles intent on getting them unstuck, or at the very least bring the wives and children back.  Fortunately all ended well and everyone is now home safe.

Jesse’s father has had several heart attacks over the last 5 years, and last Wednesday actually had heart failure.  The doctors are trying to determine what phase of heart failure he is in to determine the proper treatment.  Jesse is taking him to an appointment this morning before going to work.

Here is the work schedule for the remaining of the week:

Tuesday: Jesse will be working on a sprinkler main & drain that he dug up last week but couldn’t fix until Suez came out to repair a leak at the water meter. Jacob and I will be working on a bunch of window screens that came in over the weekend, and also doing abut a dozen backflow tests in the afternoon.  Most mornings I am stuck in my office doing estimates and backflow test reports.

Wednesday:  Jesse will be finishing up the remainder of the sprinkler startups that we currently have, and then start work on several system repairs needed including leaks at valve boxes, backflow preventer assembly replacement, broken sprinkler lines, etc.  More backflow tests in the afternoon for me and Jacob.  Jacob has been accompanying me on backflow tests so I can teach him the trade which will make it easier for him to get through the class for state licensing.  They cram a lot of information in a 32-hour class, so any training beforehand will greatly increase the chances of passing an already difficult class, and then the state exam.

Thursday:  Jesse will be out part of the day doing some lawn aerations, and then back to sprinkler system repairs.  Jacob and I will be on backflow tests and repairs again, and window screen repair.

Friday: All hands on deck today to do a bunch of repairs needed in a customer’s home.

Not working on Saturday if we can help it.  There are a lot of things we need to catch up on at the home office that we never get time to do.

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Service Request Update For The Week Of May 31, 2020

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Service Requests For the Week Of May 17, 2020

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