Sprinkler Blowouts In Meridian On Monday

Sprinkler blowouts went very well today in the Boise 83709 area until right before dark when I had a battery cable issue.  I am glad it was getting too dark to do another one and that I found out the issue BEFORE hooking up to another system.  The new cable will be installed tonight and […]

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More Sprinkler Blowouts In Boise On Sunday

Sprinkler blowouts in the 83704 area have been completed, and closed down so that no more requests come in from that area.  Unfortunately, I had to cancel two of the 83704 sprinkler blowouts on my own.  One was a problem system that needs work done to the sprinkler system for the blowout to go smoothly, […]

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Sprinkler Blowouts Continue In Boise On Saturday

Sprinkler blowouts in the Boise 83704 area didn't quite get finished on Friday due to locked gates, valve boxes I couldn't find, etc.  Saturday, I will make a quick swing through the 83704 area to catch the following streets before I move on. Boise 83704: Holbrook Ave. Rifleman Ct. Decatur – couldn't find valve boxes […]

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