Major Repair Today Before We Start Blowouts

I finished all the remaining sprinkler blowouts in the 83706 except for two.  One has the busted filter assembly that I mentioned in yesterday's post, and the other we could not find the main and drain valves or backflow so we could blow out the system.  The previous one I will work on toward the end of next week if it warms up into the 40's as predicted.

As I had mentioned in a previous post, we will be replacing a main sprinkler valve 4 feet deep today before we start sprinkler blowouts in Caldwell.  The main sprinkler valve at this home in Garden City was leaking some when I did the sprinkler blowout a month ago, but decided to totally break on Thanksgiving day.  It flooded the yard, and filled a portion of the sprinkler system again.  The elderly lady who lives there has been without water since then, so we hope to replace the main and drain valves quickly, blow out the system again, and then head to Caldwell.  The hole has already been dug, so it is just a matter of doing the repair.

This will put us a little behind on sprinkler blowouts, but I will have my assistant with me today and tomorrow which should hopefully get me back on track again.  We currently have 8 to do in Caldwell, and since we have shut down to new requests, there won't be any additional blowouts added to our list.  I updated the schedule and made a few changes, so make sure you look it over to see how it effects you.

Something I have been forgetting to mention is if vacuum breakers, backflow preventers, and filters are above ground and haven't been drained as I prescribed, I won't be able to do the blowout because the water in the devices will be frozen with no way to push air through.  There were a few places yesterday where I had to use a propane torch on galvanized pipe and fittings to be able to push air through.


How many sprinkler blowouts we have, number completed, number left, AND tentative schedule when to expect us. All sorted by zip code:

How to help protect your sprinkler system while waiting for a sprinkler blowout:

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Finishing Sprinkler Blowouts In Caldwell Today And Moving On To Nampa

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Looks Like Sprinkler Blowouts One More Day In The Boise 83706

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