Let The Games, I Mean Sprinkler Blowouts Begin!


Forgot today was a holiday, so we will be unable to register the truck we were planning on using for Route 2.  Route 1 and Route 3 will go on as scheduled.  Since we are down a rig, I will just have Jesse help me today on Route 1 which means it will go faster, and then we will hopefully have time to work some in Route 2.  Route 2 will be worked tomorrow for any we have left.  There is always some kinks to iron out the first part of the season, but we’ll get them ironed out.


We scrambled to get everything ready for sprinkler blowouts this year, but ran into some difficulties that we haven’t totally ironed out, but we will be on the road this morning.  All machines are working great, but one of our trucks needs a transmission rebuild, so we had to scramble to get another one to get us by for a while until we can get it fixed.  We will need to do emission testing and register the truck first thing this morning before we get on the road.

I had full intention to work in the Boise 83716 today, but with getting the other truck ready in the morning it wouldn’t give me enough time to make it out that far so for today all three rigs will be in Meridian 83646.  We currently have 108 in the 83646, so this will help make a decent dent in the area quickly.

Below are the routes we will be on today.  Route 1 will be me, Route 2 will be Jesse, and Route 3 will be Justin.  Click on the image for a larger view.  Please make sure we have access through gates, timer if possible, valve boxes are uncovered, and that checks are ready and made out to “The Maintenance Shop.”

Route 1

Route 2

Route 3

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2018 Sprinkler Blowout Stats


    • Steve
    • October 8, 2018

    Hello, not seeing the western edge of Boise on any of your routes…I signed up but perhaps incorrectly if you don’t make it out this way near W. Victory and 5 Mile….thanks

    1. Reply

      Patience please, can’t cover 1,664 square miles of Ada and Canyon county in one day……..

    • Rollin
    • October 10, 2018

    Please can you answer: do you need access to the electronic sprinkler controls in our garage or can you do the blow out from the sprinkler box in the backyard? We need to know when you are coming so we can be here to let you in the garage if necessary.
    I phoned to cancel if we are not able to reach you. Please do not cancel if you are able to answer this. We are at 3309 S Como Ave in Meridian.

    1. Reply

      We only need access to the valves as long as they are working correctly,can be found, and aren’t buried in rocks or mud

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