How To Help Protect Your Sprinkler System From Freezing While Waiting For A Sprinkler Blowout

While waiting for your sprinkler blowout there are some things you can do to protect your system against freezing.

If the temperature has dropped to freezing and below before your sprinkler blowout has been completed, there is nothing to worry about  unless it is a deep freeze and lasts for several hours.  Usually this time of year the temperature may drop to 32 degrees or lower, but it takes most of the night to drop and then almost immediately starts to rise again.  That, along with warm temperatures during the day there is no cause for alarm.

If the temperature drops below freezing rapidly and stays there, then damage can occur but there are some things you can do to help protect your sprinkler system if this happens.

Protect A City Water System From Freeze Damage While Waiting For Your Sprinkler Blowout

Winterized Vacuum Breaker

  • Turn off the main valve and open the drain (the valves are located 3-5 ft. in the ground.  This will take pressure off the system)

  • Using a screwdriver open the test ports on your backflow or vacuum breaker to allow water to expand if it freezes
  • After your system is turned off, open the valves in the valve boxes manually  to release the pressure in the lines  (This is only necessary if the temperature has dropped below freezing QUICKLY and stayed there)

If you do any of the steps above, send me an email to let me know so I can close the drain and valves before starting your sprinkler blowout

Protect A Pressurized Irrigation System From Freeze Damage While Waiting For Your Sprinkler Blowout

  • On pressurized irrigation systems close the main valve located deep in the ground

  • If you don't have a main valve in the ground shut the valve in front of the filter whether in a box or exposed
  • Open a hose bib connected to the system or take the cap off of the filter
  • As stated in protecting a city water system, open the valves in the valve boxes manually to release the pressure in the lines

If you do any of the steps above, send me an email to let me know so I can close the valves before starting your sprinkler blowout

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