Finishing Up Remaining Sprinkler Blowouts Requested Before December 5

Their was some good snow melt over the weekend, so it should make it much easier to find valve boxes and for heads to pop up that aren't weighed down with snow.  Not all the heads have to pop up; the air will blow out the water through whichever heads do pop up.  It's just faster if they all rise to the occassion.

We are only making this last trip through the area on our route.  We are not coming back to those where we cannot access yards, where the covers have been removed from the valve boxes and the valves have frozen, etc.  Make sure your valve boxes can be seen or they won't get blown out.  remove any snow, rocks, dirt, leaves, bark, etc.  Anything that obstructs them form view.

Please make sure if you are paying by check it is made out to "The Maintenance Shop", and for the correct amount based on the number of zones you have and the date you submitted your request.

Our route is posted below.  Click on the image for a larger view.

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Sprinkler Start-Ups Begin In A Few More Days

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Sprinkler Blowouts To Resume Monday If Weather Permits

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