Finishing Up Sprinkler Blowouts In Eagle And Then Heading To Boise

I had three large farm properties to blow out in Eagle on Wednesday, so didn't get through my entire Eagle list.  Another GREAT reason why I do not make appointments.  You never know what you will run in to……

If you have submitted a sprinkler blowout request in Eagle, these are the streets I will be on Thursday before heading to Boise:

Riverchase Way, Pine Hollow Ln., Falconrim Ct., Eagle Rock Pl., Lenox Court, Shadowview, Elliot , Aikens Ct., and Caracaras Pl.

After those are finished I will be working in the Boise 83706 area.  I plan to be in Boise three or four days to get the majority of my current Boise list handled, until the next wave of new sprinkler blowouts hits.

On Monday I hope to be back in Meridian again for sprinkler blowouts, but it depends on how many people actually pay attention to this blog and leave me access to their property……..

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Boise For The Next Two Days

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Eagle On Wednesday


    • Pamela Lowe
    • October 27, 2011

    I don't see that you have Sultana on your list.  I am on the border of Eagle and Garden City.  Are you still in the process of getting to this area?

    1. Reply

      Sultana is in the Boise 83714 zip code. I will be working in Eagle (83616) and then Boise 83706 Today. I will be in 83714 most likely between tomorrow and Sunday. I will post more exactly the night before when I see how many sprinkler blowouts I get finished. No need to worry, I have never missed anyone on my list and don’t plan to start now.

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