All In A Days Work………
So yesterday I knocked on the door of a customer to let them know I was there and didn't get an answer so I proceeded to the garage door to use the code left for me to get access to the sprinkler timer. Upon opening the door I found my customer naked, hiding behind her car. She told me she was getting ready to soak in the tub and realized she forgot her Ipod in her car and wanted to listen to music while in the bathroom. The spring hinge on the fire door closed behind her locking her outside. Also being a locksmith, I quickly went to my truck, retrieved my lock tools and picked the lock so she could get inside and I could get on with the business at hand of blowing out the sprinklers.
She has been a customer for a long time, and knew I would post this story on my blog, but asked me not to mention her name. Okay, Carol, I won't. Just kidding; her name isn't Carol, or is it…..?
Today's Route
I am continuing today in the Meridian 83642 zip code getting to homes that have brass backflow preventers, or pumps on city or well water. Some of the homes I am going to today are on irrigation, but they are close to the area where I need to be so they are included as well. Those on the route below will receive a text around 6:30 a.m. letting them know their number is up, so to speak. Click on the image for a larger view.
On another note, if you have emailed me, don't expect an answer for quite awhile. I rarely get time to read the emails, or answer them during sprinkler blowouts. The best way to get hold of me is by text.