We Have Closed Sprinkler Blowouts 2015 To New Requests

We try to reach as many people as we can, and feel bad for those who sign up late in the season when very few companies are still doing sprinkler blowouts, but after much consideration, we have decided to close blowouts to new requests. We are working hard, and will not stop until we have reached everyone on our current list.

Yesterday was a total disaster as far as sprinkler blowouts go. I managed to finish the Boise 83703, but not without much difficulty. No timer access, and valve boxes covered in snow made it very difficult to work. Sprinkler blowouts are impossible to do if valve boxes can't be located. Using the timer is a plus; it saves us the time of looking for valve boxes, but when a timer isn't available, there is no choice but to open the zone valves individually. To add to the difficulty, although the valves and sprinkler lines are fine, many of the valve boxes that were visible were frozen to the ground and hard to open.

This has put me behind schedule, leaving me with 17 sprinkler blowouts in the 83706 that were originally supposed to be finished today. Going to work as fast as I can today to get as many of the 83706 as possible. If there are any that are not finished, and I expect there will be, I will get to them Sunday.

I can't stress enough, that if you have a backflow, vacuum breaker, or filter ABOVE ground, please follow instructions at the link below. If you are on a pump, remove the drain plug near the bottom of the pump to allow for expansion and drainage. DO NOT CLOSE THE VALVES on a vacuum breaker or backflow. Winterized Vacuum BreakerThis gives the water no where to go as it expands, and can cause damage. Once the water is turned off and the drain opened, turn the valves at a 45 degree angle. See the posted image, but make sure to visit the link below for more information.


How many sprinkler blowouts we have, number completed, number left, AND tentative schedule when to expect us. All sorted by zip code: http://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blog/?p=1400

How to help protect your sprinkler system while waiting for a sprinkler blowout: http://www.treasurevalleyrepairs.com/blog/?p=146

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Looks Like Sprinkler Blowouts One More Day In The Boise 83706

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Finishing Sprinkler Blowouts Today In The Boise 83703 And Moving On

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