Sprinkler Blowout Stats

Our sprinkler blowout stats will show here from year to year

2014 Sprinkler Blowout Stats

This is our 2014 sprinkler blowouts stats page.  We create a new one each year so our customers can see what we have completed and what we have left in the area they live in.  We will attempt to update the stats nightly with new sprinkler blowouts and what we have completed, but there are […]

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2013 Sprinkler Blowout Stats

This post will contain our 2013 fall sprinkler blowouts stats.  I will attempt to update the stats nightly, but a lot depends on how much work I had during the day and how much paperwork I have left to do.  We had 353 sprinkler blowouts in 2010, 376 sprinkler blowouts in 2011, and 415 in […]

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2012 Sprinkler Blowouts Stats

This post will contain our 2012 fall sprinkler blowouts stats.  I will try and update it nightly after I finish my invoicing and blog post of where I will be the next day.  I haven't lost or forgotten a customer yet – they will all get finished.  We had 353 sprinkler blowouts in 2010, 376 […]

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