Sprinkler Blowout Stats
Our sprinkler blowout stats will show here from year to year
2017 Sprinkler Blowout Stats
These are our current stats for the 2017 sprinkler blowout season. We are expecting 1,000 or more this year. The "Contained" column shows us the percentage of the particular zip code that has been completed so we can better work our route management. If we start to see a lower percentage in a particular area compared […]
2016 Sprinkler Blowout Stats
This is our stats for the 2016 sprinkler blowout season. We try to update this daily, but sometimes it just isn't possible with all the other things we have to do to prepare for the next day of sprinkler blowouts. We have added something new to the table this year with "Percentage Contained." This shows […]
2015 Sprinkler Blowouts Stats
Here are our current stats for the 2015 season. We completed 727 sprinkler blowouts in 2014, and have already passed that amount. Area marked in yellow is where we will be working for the day. Areas marked in red are closed to new requests for the 2015 season. 2015 City Zip Code Total Complete Left […]