I was totally exhausted last night so I didn't get this sprinkler blowouts post done until this morning. There were four sprinkler blowouts I could not do in Garden City yesterday. The streets are listed below with what the problem was:
Ben Street – locked gate
Ringbill Ct. – couldn't find valve boxes, request use of timer
Pandion Ct. – Gated community, can't get in without keypad code
Runway Dr. – Can't find shut-off and drain valves (found outside timer, found vacuum breaker near well, but not main valves)
I worked in the Boise 83713 area for the rest of the day Saturday and will continue in the area on Sunday. I hope to complete them all today. If you live in the 83713 area, please make sure if you are not going to be home that you leave me access to your yard, mark your valve boxes if they are hard to locate, or leave me access to your sprinkler timer.
Monday and Tuesday I will be in Meridian, and Wednesday and Thursday back in Boise.