Sprinkler Blowouts Continue In Boise On Sunday

We got off to a really rough start today with sprinkler blowouts in the Boise 83716 area.  The first four blowouts we did had problem systems that took us more than twice as long to do as it should have.  We were wondering if the entire day was going to be that way, but thank goodness it wasn't.  The remainder of the day went very smooth and we accomplished a total of 22 sprinkler blowouts in the 83716 area.  One of them we had problems with was on a city system that couldn't be shut off at all without it leaking.  It is a brand new home, so the builder will have to deal with that one and I will return after it is fixed to blow it out.  The only one in the 83716 zip code we didn't get to was on Perrault Way because we couldn't find it.  It didn't show on my GPS, so I will have to add it to my route the next time I am in that area.  Fortunately, there is only one in the 83716 zip code that will be billed a $20 trip charge for canceling their sprinkler blowout and not letting me know.  If you feel you need to cancel, that is fine, just send me an email and let me know.

As luck would have it, I returned to my office and found three new sprinkler blowouts in the 83716 zip code among the 12 new requests I received Saturday.  I will work my way around there again soon for sprinkler blowouts.

Sunday I will be working in the Boise 83702 zip code, with about 17 in that area currently on my list.  I should be able to finish them as long as I don't run into problems like I did on Saturday.  Sunday I will be on my own without an assistant.

Monday I will be in Meridian 83646, Tuesday I will be Middleton, Star, Kuna, and then back to Meridian 83646 if there is time left working my current list in these areas.  Wednesday I will be in Caldwell and Nampa also working my current list.  Thursday I will work in Meridian 83642, and Friday back to Boise, zip code unknown at this point.  As I have stated before, this is only a tentative schedule based on having no serious setbacks on other sprinkler blowouts.

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Meridian 83646 On Monday

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Sprinkler Blowouts In Boise On Saturday

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