I spent the entire day yesterday on backflow tests, and barely made it out of Meridian. It looks like I will have a repeat of the same thing today. Jacob is working his tail off on Package B and D requests on city systems. He spent most of the day in the 83705 but still has three or four left that he will tackle today after he takes on some backflow tests in the morning, and then heading to Avimor and Hidden Springs.
We are having a hard time keeping up with requests. I still have ads out in several locations to get help, but no takers. It looks like no one is in need of a job. I still have one guy starting in a few weeks or so, or the latest in a month, but we really need the help now. I can’t get what I need done during the day in the field because of calls and texts one right after the other. I really need to be in the office coordinating and doing paperwork. Doing both has not only affected my time in the field, but it is keeping me from getting reports, invoices, etc., done in a timely manner. It’s about the same as during blowouts when I would get about 4 hours sleep a night for 6-7 weeks. At least during blowouts we had four people in the field.
There is no need to post routes today because Jacob will be covering all of Avimor, Hidden Springs, the 83702, and 83705. Jacob will likely be working in Meridian all day on Wednesday for city and well systems while we are still waiting for all the irrigation areas to open up.