We cleaned up our current list in three zip codes yesterday. The 83702, 83703, and 83716. There were a few in one area we couldn’t do because we could not find the sprinkler main. Of course when I got back to my office I found new ones that came in from the same area. We will get them on our route once we make our rounds to places we haven’t been yet.
Today both rigs will be in the Boise 83704. There are more than both machines can do in a day in the area, but we should get about 90% of them. Unfortunately, my routing software is not working properly, so I can’t post a route for today, but we will get to most of them. If you are in the 83704 and are missed today, don’t worry, we will be back very soon. Weather is still great for sprinkler blowouts!
Make sure gates are accessible, valve boxes are visible, and if writing a check, please make it out to “The Maintenance Shop.”